Under Control

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*This chapter was originally left out.

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Laura's POV

I was dressed warmly and ready for school when I came downstairs about to walk out the front door. "Elena, Jeremy, I'm leaving for school! Walking out the door now!" I yelled from the foyer giving them one last chance to ride with me.

"Wait, you forgot this." Jenna rushed after me with a thermos and quickly slipped it into my bag. I smiled at her. "Thanks."

I opened the door to leave but my path was blocked when I see our uncle John standing in front of us. He saw me and smiled. "Laura!"

I had an unpleasant look like I've always had whenever he came to visit us. "Uncle John! Lovely." I said bitterly.

"Jenna." He looked at Jenna and greeted her but less enthusiastically. "John, you made it." She said and I look at her confused. "I said I'll be here before noon." Uncle John entered the house so I stepped aside for him to come in.

"Oh what you say and what you do are typically two very different things." She said clearly not happy to see him. At this moment Elena and Jeremy came from upstairs and was surprised to see our uncle.

Jeremy had the same bored look he gives to everyone when he saw him. "Uncle John, what's up?" He said and slapped him on the shoulder before leaving without a second glance.

"Hey!" Uncle John greeted him cheerfully then turned to Elena who wasn't thrilled to see him either. "Uncle John. Hi. What are you doing here?" She asked. "I had some business in town; I thought that a visit was in order." He answered.

"Not necessarily." I said bluntly without a thought making Elena nudged me for my impolite behaviour. She gave me a quick glare before turning back and smiled to him. "How long are you staying?"

John shook his head. "I don't know yet."

I raised my brow at the unpleasantry, that 'I don't know yet' meant that he was going to be here a lot longer than we needed him to be. "Okay, well, we've got school. So... see you later." I turned to Jenna and she nodded.

Elena and I walked out the door with Jenna closing the door behind us. Before she does I gave the look, she does the same and shook her head slightly.

She closed the door and I turned to Elena. "What the hell is he doing here?" I asked in a loud voice purposely because we were outside. Elena shrugged. "I don't know. He always comes and goes as he likes." She said as we went towards my car.

"He always comes home at the worst time possible." I mumbled.

~ ~ ~

Elena and I were at Matt's locker telling him of our uncle's sudden visit in town while he was getting his books out. "He said his trip is open ended." Elena told him. "Uncle John, I never really liked that guy." Matt said.

I scoffed. "Does anyone?"

"I'm here for moral support if you need me." Matt said to the both of us which was very nice of him. He's like the only nice guy around here who always want to help everyone despite his own struggles.

"Thanks, but I think we'll suffer this one alone; you've been through enough." Elena said being sympathetic for him.

"Thank you by the way, for just... for everything you guys did at Vicki's funeral and the memorial. I couldn't have done it without you two." He said being grateful to us but Elena and I had the same look of guilt.

We couldn't exactly tell him his sister was a vampire and Stefan killed her because she tried to kill us. Matt was devastated and I just felt sorry for him, he spend most of his life worrying and taking care of her when she didn't care about herself.

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