Lost Girls

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*This chapter was originally left out.

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Stefan's POV

I opened the door with the stake in my hand ready to use it against Damon when I saw Elena standing outside my house.

"What are you?" She asked.

I was surprised that she suddenly came here and asked me that. She must have found something about me to ask that question.

"What are you?" She asked again when I didn't say anything.

"You know." I said.

"No I don't." She denied shaking her head.

"Yes, you do or you wouldn't be here." I said.

"It's not possible, it can't be." She continued to be in denial but deep down she knows that it's true.

I stepped out to face her. I tried to get close but she backed away "Everything you know and every belief you had is about to change. Are you ready for that?" I asked.

"What are you?" She said through her teeth.

"... I'm a vampire."

She shivered at the truth and shook her head. "... I shouldn't have come." She backed away scared.

"No, please. Please." I attempt to explain.

"No, no!" She slapped my hands away and ran to her car.

I vamped in front of her but accidentally frightened her. She looked at me shocked that I just appeared out of nowhere in front of her.

"How did you do that?" She asked looking back from where I originally was. She was getting more afraid by the minute as she looked at me.

"Please don't be afraid of me." I told her blocking her from running.

"Let me go!" She yelled.

"Elena, there's things you need to know and understand." I grabbed her arms trying to keep her from running.

"Let me go!" She pushed past and got in her car.

"Elena, please!"

She drove away before I could explain anything to her. I stood in my driveway and watched her run away deeply hurt. I needed her believe that I won't do anything to hurt her, I needed her to keep my secret.

I vamped over to Elena's house and climbed through her bedroom window and saw her pacing back and forth all confused and scared.


She was startled by my presence and tried to make a run for it again. I got to her first and slammed the door closed so she couldn't run anymore but she turned her back to me because she was still afraid to face me.

"I would never hurt you." I told her. "You're safe with me."

"All those animal attacks, those people who died?" She said in disbelief as she finally turned back to look at me.

"No, that was Damon." I told her.


"Yes, I don't drink human blood that's not how I survive but Damon does." I explained. "I'll explain everything to you but I beg you, Elena. Do not tell anybody."

"How can you ask me that?" She exclaimed.

"Because you and your sister knowing this is dangerous, for so many reasons. You can hate me, but I need you to trust me." I told her desperately.

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