Brave New World

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Damon's POV

After Laura rejected me and I killed her brother out of anger I came home and sat myself in front of the fireplace staring at it like I lost my soul. I made the biggest mistake tonight and just lost the girl I love over a impulse desire. A few hours later Stefan came home and stormed into the room with the same look our father use to give me whenever I disappointed him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What's it to you." I muttered and drank bourbon from the bottle. "You killed Jeremy tonight you think Laura's ever going to forgive you for that!" Stefan yelled. I didn't mean to kill him. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The moment I killed him... the look she gave me when I killed Jeremy... I knew. I knew I shouldn't have done that no matter how angry I was. I made things worse for myself, she's never going to forgive me now.

If only I could turn back time I wouldn't have...

"You're lucking Jeremy was wearing his ring or he would have really been dead." Stefan said and I looked at him surprised. "He's still alive?" I looked relieved when I heard the news. "John Gilbert gave him his ring before he left, Jeremy was wearing it when you killed him." Stefan explained lifting the heavy guilt off my shoulders but that didn't changed the fact I tried to kill him.

"You said you will never hurt her! Damon, look at what you've done!" Stefan looked at me as if he was ready to murder me any minute. "Do you think I wanted that?" I look at him and get up to my feet. "I never meant for this to happen, I never wanted to hurt her!" I yelled in all honesty.

Stefan scoffed and turned away in disgust. "I thought you really have changed, for Laura, but I guess I was wrong. No, I was wrong to let you go after her in the first place!" He pointed accusingly. "You just had to screw things up with her, didn't you, Damon?"

"... I love her, Stefan." I said quietly but clearly for him to hear.

"Well, you have a very strange and sick way of showing it." Stefan glared at me before walking out the room.

'I love you. I love her.' I keep repeating those words over and over in my head because it's true. The one I love is Laura. From the moment I've met her until now I've only been hurting her over the whole Katherine ordeal. I'm the worst boyfriend ever.

I have to make things right with her.

~ ~ ~ Next Day ~ ~ ~

Laura's POV

Normally when you break up with someone you would curl yourself up in bed and cried until you fall asleep. Then you would binge eat, watch a lot of cliche romance movies, cry and fall asleep again until you feel like being a normal again and get on with your life. But that's not me. I don't get over a breakup like that, I move on faster than Elena catches up with the latest falls collection.

Our high school carnival was tonight and we had to prepare for it and being a member on the committee team I had to oversee everything since Caroline's not here to do that. So Elena and Bonnie were pitching in to help me manage a few things but Bonnie was has been talking about how much I look like Katherine much to my annoyance. "Katherine looked just like you guys. It was freakish." She said.

"Freakish doesn't explain all of it, Bonnie, but let's just go with that for now." I said as tick off a few items that's just arrived at the delivery bay. Bonnie and I made up since she was only looking out for me, I lucky to have this many people looking out for me and telling me how Damon is wrong for me. I shouldn't have treated her like that.

"She is our ancestor." I said. "Hey guys, I want the student booth to be moved into the cafeteria." I told some girls walking by and they nod to get the message.

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