Daddy Issues

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*This chapter was originally left out. 

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Laura's POV

I spent the night at Damon's because I was afraid he would do something reckless, so I stayed with him until morning. Since then I've had a lot of miss calls from Elena but I didn't bother to call her back because it probably wasn't important.

I came home and was about to go up to my room when Elena rushed out from the kitchen. "Laura, have you been with Damon until now? I've been trying to call you." She said.

"Well, I'm home now. What do you want?" I said giving her an I'm tired look.


My eyes widen when John walked in from the kitchen. "What is he doing here?" I said loudly being obvious that I wasn't very welcoming.

"I'm here to protect you. That's all I can say for the moment." John replied and I look at him slightly dumbfounded. "Excuse me? We don't need your protection." I told him.

"What do you mean that's all you can say?" Elena asked him. "I'll tell you more when I'm convinced I can trust you." John answered vaguely.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen because we don't trust you." I look at him with hatred and distrustful look. Why the hell is he here?

"Oh God, I'm late." At this moment Jenna and Ric came down from upstairs. "That's what you get for hitting the snooze three times!" Ric laughed at her tardiness.

They were close to the bottom of the stairs when they finally noticed John. "What the hell?" Jenna looked at him surprised. John's used to Jenna's reaction by now so he responded calmly. "Good morning to you, Jenna. Alaric..."

"It's okay I'm confused, right? Because we were not expecting you, like, ever." Jenna glared at him. "Well, I got in late last night. Elena let me in." John said directing at my sister.

I look at him Elena with a sharp look. She avoided me looking very guilty.

"You know, I'm uh, probably just gonna take off." Ric said awkwardly. He was being polite to stay out of my family business and turned to leave.

"I'm still confused here." Jenna looked at us demanding for answers. "I decided to come back and stay for a while." John answered for us.

"No, you're not." I said and he looked at me. "You're not welcomed here."

"You can't stop me from living here." He said taking a step towards me. "Actually I can, as legal guardian." Jenna spoke up for me.

"Yeah, about, Elena, Laura, you want me to explain the situation, or would you like to do the honors?" John looked at the both of us and we both knew where this is headed.

Crap! We still haven't told Jenna he's our biological father yet.

Elena and I exchanged glances before we looked at Jenna. "Okay, what's going on?" Jenna looked at us getting annoyed with our hesitation. "I'm sorry, Jenna. We should have told you earlier, but--" Elena started.

"I'm Elena and Laura's biological father." John interrupted her. I glare at him with wide eyes. "There, now you know." He walked away leaving us to deal with an equally surprised and confused Jenna.


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Damon's POV

I met up with Stefan in his room and he told me how he went to find Isobel and what he came home with was incredibly ridiculous. "You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big "Save the twins" move?" I stare at him a little dumbfounded.

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