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I sat on the high rock in the middle of the open desert, my cloak torn and ripped, bloody and dirty. My body in the same condition. Burned, bruised, cut, bloody, and dirty.

I sobbed out loud, my cracked voice echoing through the far off trees and through the big rocks of the desert.

All of Akatsuki laied before me, them all dead. I deserved to die as well. As I said, they die I die.

I had failed myself completely. I couldn't save my family at all. Instead, they died. And I felt broken. Completely. My boyfriend gone, my close family gone, everyone of them. I didn't have Leader to reasure me. I didn't have Itachi to comfort and love me. I didn't have Deidara to make me feel special and loved. I didn't have Konan to talk to and mess around with. I didn't have Kisame to mess around with and love. I didn't have Tobi to play with, to treat as my own. I didn't have Zetsu to be all smart with and care for. I didn't have Sasori to talk to and have to help me. I didn't have Hidan to talk to and laugh with. I didn't have Kakuzu to be honest with and talk to about problems. I didn't have anyone. I was completely alone. I was messed up. I was torn to shreds and set on fire.

I sobbed loudly, my feelings pouring out of me.

I didn't care anymore. I sat there, with my white roses placed on each of their graves. The white roses Zetsu had givin to me just a few years ago, but it felt like forever.

I shaikyly stood up and pulled out a kunai. A shiney, metallic, kunai. The one and only, Cat's Claw Kunai.

I held it to my heart, and slowly took shaiky, raspy breathes. Tears streamed down my face along with blood. As I said, I was bruned, bruised, cut up, bloody, and dirty. I felt hurt. I felt missing. I shook my black and white tiger striped emo boy bangs out of my face one last time.

I was going to go missing.

"I love you." I whispered.

I sent out that I love you to everyone.

Haku, Zabuza, Leader, Konan, Itachi, Kisame, Sasori, Deidara, Tobi, Zetsu, Hidan, Asuma, Jiraya, everyone. Their gone.

I squezzed my eyes shut as I slowly pushed the kunai deeper into my chest, it slowly tearing my clothes and into my skin. I let out one final, heart wrenching sob, before..


I let out a blood curdling, skin piercing scream and woke up, my body drenched in sweat and my body so wet and sweaty, my clothes, hair, and pretty much anything stuck to my body. Itachi was holding me like a baby, in his arms as he softly swayed me, Leader, Kisame, pretty much everyone stood at the door. "Shh... Its ok Minny. You're ok." Itachi whispered in my ear as he rocked me softly. I gripped onto Itachi's bare arms just as I snapped out of my dream, my sweat soaked body pressed against his creamy pale chest and arms. I whimpered as if I were a baby kitten, my eyes locked shut and I refused to open them.

I knew they were the shining yellow with the dark black slits. They'd glow in the darkness, hopefully light my way.

I freaked out for a second, forgetting everything. As if I was just brainwashed and all my memory was washed clean. I whimpered and panted like a dog, my sweaty body struggling to fight Itachi and run away. But slowly, I calmed down. Within seconds, my mind returned to my body and not out somewhere in the darkness. It was still in the darkness, it just found its way back home.

"Minati, calm down! It was just a nightmare!" Itachi said calmly and softly, slowly bringing me back to him. Kisame walked in shirtless with Deidara and sat on the edge of my bed, running their cold hands down my soaking wet back to calm me.

Purrfectly Impurrfect (Sasuke Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon