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No one believed what they were hearing. There was absolutely no way that the people in front of them were telling the truth. 

"We have proof! You have to look for him!" Jungkook exclaimed. 

"I'm sorry, we are not going to look for Choi Jungsik."

"But why?! He's behind this! He took Taehyung! We have fucking proof!" Yoongi shouted, angered by all the bullshit that was coming out of this cop's mouth. "Choi Jungsik kidnapped him along with Park Jibeom! Search his house, contact his family, anything! It's not that hard to do you piece of-!"

"Yoongi, I know you're angry but watch the language for God's sake!" Jin hissed at him. 

Yoongi was fuming, his hands balled to fists while he had a stare-off with the male police officer in front of them. 

"How can I think about stupid things like that when this bastard is lying to us! They say they can't look for him! Of course they can!" he shouted, slamming a hand on the table next to him while glaring at Jin. Jin frowned and looked away. Yoongi tch'ed and looked back at the police officer.

"You're not telling us everything." He said suspiciously. "Why can't you go look for Choi Jungsik if he's the one who kidnapped Taehyung? Are you protecting Mr. Choi?! You should arrest him for fuck's sake!!"

The police officer's face changed. At first he had looked like he felt sorry for these boys. His eyes had showed worry and his eyebrows had been scrunched together. Now his eyes squinted together and he looked at the boys with a dangerous aura around him.

"You shouldn't have looked for evidence." He said with a low voice. 

Everyone frowned at that and Yoongi's face changed completely.

"W-Wha..what?" Jin mumbled, surprised more than he had ever been. 

"Why shouldn't we? If we can help, we may help. If we want to look for Taehyung you can't stop us from trying to find out where he is." Namjoon stated with squinted eyes. 

"You shouldn't have." The officer repeated, his hand reaching for something the six boys couldn't see. 

"Guys, let's just leave it at this. He's not going to help us." Jin said, softly pushing the others out of the small office. All of them reluctantly did so, but Jungkook couldn't help but throw the police officer a final glare. 

As they walked through the hallway, heading for the exit, Yoongi face-palmed.  "Shit I see it...the police is fucking corrupt." He cursed, earning gasps from the youngest two. 

"That's impossible! They're helping us!" Jimin exclaimed.

"If they were helping us they would've been after Choi Jungsik already!" Yoongi growled. "Get your heads out of your asses, guys. They're protecting that asshole! We can't trust the police. We're going to find Taehyung ourselves."

"How...?" Hoseok mumbled. 

"Nothing how." Namjoon said, his voice stern. He shoved Hoseok to the side softly and stood in front of Yoongi. Everyone stopped walking. "Hyung, we can't do this. I know I've been looking for evidence and all, but that doesn't mean I'm going to take the job of the police and actually look for Taehyung. That could bring us all in danger." 

"Aren't we already in danger though?" Jungkook said, making the two of them turn around.

Jungkook's face was completely serious. He wasn't nervous, he wasn't afraid. This was about saving Taehyung and there was no way he would let this opportunity pass. 

"I think we should go find him ourselves. Just like Yoongi-hyung said; the police isn't helping us anymore. They're protecting those kidnappers and I don't know why, but we have to find out." He said, crossing his arms. "If we don't, we'll never get Taehyung back."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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