How many times?

63 3 0

Taehyung was hiding around the corner, looking right and left. 

There were people everywhere, but who could he trust? He had to get out of here first.

He knew he was on the second floor by now and it was getting more and more crowded each time he got to the next floor. He had taken the stairs, but now there were no stairs anymore. How was he supposed to get to the first floor?

A man pulling a cart with him passed by Taehyung's hiding spot and Taehyung tensed, pushing himself even closer to the wall. This felt like one of the games he used to play, only then his hands weren't tied and he would have a weapon, hiding behind walls as well, but searching for evil people to kill so he would earn points.

"I'm sorry young man, but...are you okay?" a voice came from the opposite direction Taehyung was looking in. 

He snapped his head to the other side and saw a petite old woman with dyed red hair and a short and spicy hairstyle look at him with worried eyes. His eyes on the other hand widened in shock and he started stuttering.

"I-I-I'm fine t-thank you!" he let out. 

The woman noticed how he held his hands behind his back and furrowed her brows.

"Are you sure? If there's anything I can help you with-"

"There he is!! Fucking finally!!" A low voice boomed through the hallway. Taehyung's eyes widened even more – if that was even possible – and he quickly apologized to the old woman before running off, leaving her completely surprised.

"Y-Young man? What's" she trailed off, blinking a few times as she saw a man who looked like Park Jibeom run after the kid. 

Park Jibeom? As in...her boss Park Jibeom? 

What was going on?

As Taehyung ran away her eyes fell on his hands and she noticed that they were tied behinds his back by some kind of rope, making her eyes widen in surprise. 

This kid sure wasn't okay like he said!

Taehyung ran as fast as he could with his injured leg, accidentally pushing over some people and flinging piles of paper to the side, but it worked out since he finally found the stairs to the first floor! They somehow looked different from the stairs he had been walking down from, but who cared about the way this building was designed, he wasn't some architect! The only thing important was that he was going to get out of here! 

He was going to make it. 

He couldn't hear Jibeom's voice anymore and right in front of him were the front doors of this hideously tall building. 

He was going to make it! He was-

"Woah there."

He wasn't.

His luck was hitting him with a chair again.

Right when he attempted to run through the large swing doors, something – or rather someone – grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him back rather roughly. He almost tripped over his own feet, the bullet wound not really helping him with steadying himself. He let out a pained gasp and held his leg.

"Who are y-?!" Taehyung started, but the person holding him pushed him forward before he could turn around to find out who had torn him away from his freedom. 

Was this the time to start screaming?

"Let go of me, I have somewhere to go, I need to leave the building!" Taehyung tried, struggling against the force from behind him while he limped forward. 

"You're Kim Taehyung, aren't ya? We're not supposed to let you leave the building. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." The person behind him said.

It was a male voice, but it sounded way nicer than he would have thought. Jibeom's voice sounded like it came from the lowest pit of hell. This man's voice sounded strangely similar to Hoseok's voice.

"Who ordered you to?" Taehyung wondered, only slightly noticing this man was taking him to a very quiet place, even though they had just been in the entrance hall filled with people. So it wasn't crowded everywhere on the first floor, hm?

"Choi Jungsik."

"Who's that?"


"You weren't supposed to tell me, huh?" Taehyung sighed, already knowing this person wasn't going to tell him anything else. 

But Choi Jungsik...that name sounded very familiar. Taehyung knew by the sound of it that it had to be a very important person. Was it Park Jibeom's sidekick? Accomplice? Client?

"Wait here." the man said once they walked into a confined room. Inside everything was white, reminding Taehyung of a doctor's office or a dentist's room. Before Taehyung could turn around to find out what the man looked like, the door was already closed and the clicking sound of the lock was heard. 

Nice, he thought. That was failed attempt for escape number one

How many times would it take until he escaped for real?


Jungkook was watching how Yoongi and Jimin were screaming at the police officers, unable to contain their emotions. 

It had been three days already and there was no sign of Taehyung.

What had surprised the police was that there hadn't been any letters, emails or whatsoever asking for money. Taehyung's kidnapper hadn't let them know yet why they had taken him...

"What do you mean you can't go search for him?! You have a police car, you know the roads of Seoul, why aren't you going anywhere?!" Yoongi shouted, his arms halfway up in the air.

"I'm sorry, only when we have a lead of where Kim Taehyung-ssi could be we can go out there. We can't just search all of Seoul." A female police officer said, a stern look on her face. She was used to this, since she handled kidnappings and hostages. The friends and family of the victims always shouted in her face, but it was a logical reaction. They were just extremely worried and they wanted their friend or family member back.

"There should be cameras around our dorm's building, couldn't you find anything?! The number plate of the car, what kind of car it was, who was driving it, nothing?! Not where it went?! Just...just nothing at all?!" Jimin asked desperately.

"I'm sorry, we've only managed to look at four tapes of the cameras yet and there was nothing useful on it, we're really doing our best. Once we find something, we certainly will use it to find your friend." Another female police officer said, lowering her head. 

"This all just sucks so much..." Yoongi grumbled, slamming a hand on the desk in front of him before walking back to the others. Jungkook patted him on the shoulder, knowing how he felt. He looked at Yoongi, who stayed quiet and closed his eyes while crossing his arms. He didn't want to look at any of these idiotic police officers anymore.

"Is there...really nothing we can do?" Jimin asked, his voice becoming his usual soft voice again.

Realization hit him. They were going to have to wait even longer. 

They had already waited for three days and something in Jimin had constantly told him that Taehyung would be back soon, but...what was soon? Three days was apparently too soon. How many times would the police officers tell them they hadn't found anything yet?

Would it take a week before Taehyung would be found? A month? Even...even longer?



How many times do you guys think Taehyung will try before he finally escapes?

Will he escape?

Or will the police find him first?

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Have a lovely day <3

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