Forget the ramyun!

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"Jimin? Park Jimin? Is that really you?" a voice called suddenly. 

Jimin looked up in surprise and saw three girls standing in front of him, their eyes wide open.
"Y-Yes?" Jimin stuttered, a polite smile on his face.
"Omo, it's really him!" the girls squealed, one of them even jumping up and down. Jimin was used to meeting fans when he least expected it, but he felt very awkward at the moment.

"I'm actually waiting for someone, so-"

"Who are you waiting for?"

"Did you bring a friend Jiminie oppa?"

"You're so handsome Jiminie!" 

Jimin sighed unnoticeably and smiled at the girls in front of him.

"You girls should head home, it's already very late." He said.
"Ahh, Jiminie oppa, we're fine!"
"Jimin always looks out for everyone, doesn't he? Such a man!"
"I mean it girls, it's very dark. Promise me you'll get home safely, alright?" Jimin said, holding out his pink. "Pinky promise?" 

The girls squealed again and they all nodded, one by one pinky promising Jimin they would get home safely.
"Off you go." Jimin chuckled, playfully shooing them away. It wasn't because he felt awkward – even though he did – he just wanted them to be safe and he also didn't want them to wake up the people in the neighbourhood who were already sleeping. He'd feel guilty, because it would be his fault. 

"Bye Jimin oppa!"

"Bye, bye Jiminie!"

Jimin chuckled and waved at them. "Bye girls! Get home safely!"

He watched as they turned around and walked off into the distance. He smiled without himself noticing. Meeting fans was nice, even if it was late and even if it was awkward. In the end their fans were the ones who had brought them where they were right now and he was very grateful for them. 

"Where is Taehyung with the ramyun...?" Jimin mumbled to himself. He looked back at the store and saw Taehyung struggling with a button and the cashier helping him out. Jimin chuckled and shook his head. At least Taehyung was getting help and not trying to kill the button like a certain hyung.

Jimin looked at the sky and enjoyed the view of the stars. Since the street lanterns weren't working it was dark enough to see the stars clearly, way clearer than usual. It gave Jimin a happy feeling.
He had had fun with the members, he had practiced with Taehyung, he had met some fans, watched the he was only waiting for his food to arrive. 

"Oh!" Jimin let out in surprise when he saw a black and white cat walk past him. It was a small cat and it mewed at him before continuing its journey.

"How cute~." Jimin giggled, getting up to follow the cat. The cat noticed him and turned around, mewing once again.
"Hey there." Jimin said softly, crouching down in front of the cat. "You're such a cute kitty~."
The cat purred and butted its head against Jimin's knee. 

Jimin loved cats and whenever he saw a cat it would come to him happily, surprising Jimin every time. Why did cats like him that much?
"I wonder what your name is." Jimin told the cat, softly petting its head. 

Jimin was too focused on the cute little cat to hear the heavy footsteps coming his way. They came closer and closer, until Jimin noticed a pair of boots in front of him and the cat. The cat was shocked by the presence of another person and immediately ran off.

"W-Wait..." Jimin mumbled, looking behind him to see the cat running in the distance. 

He turned back to the person in front of him with a frown on his face as he got back up on his feet. He took a step back unconsciously once he stood straight.
"Umm...hello." Jimin said with an awkward smile to the man in front of him.
He wasn't very tall; he couldn't be more than half an inch taller than Jimin. He had a beard, but not one you'd find ugly to look at. It was well groomed and it reminded Jimin of the host of a show he used to watch on tv when he was younger. One of those older shows his parents even used to watch. 

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