Chapter 42 The Journey to Justice

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G'Na stood at the expanse of windows that overlooked the greens outside the family quarters of the Winter Residence. The southernmost continent of Vshak was enjoying the first days of spring. Before long it would be time to move the family, including their guests, back to the Imperial Palace. A smile crept across her face, but she didn't move when the sound of electricity crackled behind her. A field distortion from a vortex manipulator occurred in the back of the room and then quickly dissipated.

"You are precisely on time, Doctor Song," G'Na said without turning to greet her guest.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and thanks for the code to penetrate the shield. How is he?" River crossed the large room to join the queen at the window.

"See for yourself," she answered softly.

The two stood at the windows watching a dozen young teens running the field as they played football. The Doctor ran up and down the sidelines, clad in a footballers kit with the word Coach emblazoned across his chest, blowing a whistle at one of the girls who kicked the ball out of bounds.

"It seems," G'Na chuckled as she spoke, "that he's decided that this game is a therapeutic way to burn energy. He has spent the last three of your weeks teaching a coaching staff and two teams of young people the finer details of the game. I must say, it does look like fun."

River wiped threatening tears from her eyes as she chuckled at the sight. "I didn't know that he could even play. I am -- gob-smacked."

The queen shot a perplexed look at River. The words used by humans still surprised her. She shook her head at and filed the odd word away for future use.

"Look at him run. He looks -- so different from when I saw him in the maze. I thought that I'd lost him forever. When you sent word to come, I wasn't sure I could stand seeing that lost, angry look in his eyes again. Our time line was fading. All the times I came and he wouldn't see me, I thought ...." River swallowed hard to stop her babbling. She wasn't usually prone to babbling. "I was so scared," she admitted quietly, maybe for the first time in her life.

G'Na reached for the taller woman's hand and squeezed in support. "I told you that I would not let her win. But... it has been a long journey. For all of us. I am so sorry, but I think we forgot how hurt you were. I'm sorry that he wouldn't visit with you."

She hitched a breath at the memory of their Christmas holiday. Even now, that event clinched her stomach in knots. He would never want his friends to know what happened at the end of that visit.

"Doctor calm down. You're scaring the girls!" River watched him crash around the console room screaming at her.

"Get me out of here! I'm not going back, I'm never going back!" He screamed whilst grabbing then throwing  the coat rack against the wall.

"My Lord, please -- stop!" K'Nar yelled to his mind.

Mid rant the Doctor turned to face the girl he adored. He backed against the wall of his ship and slid to his knees. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please, I'll be good."

"Oh my Lord," she rushed to embrace his shaking body in his arms. The wild eyed look in his eyes terrified her. His thoughts were so jumbled that she couldn't understand most of them. Mixed in with waves of terror that poured off him were cackles of the Mistress' laughter and sounds of a man groaning.  They had so much fun and then for no apparent reason the nightmares came back. They'd watched him become increasingly agitated as they made the short drive from the farm to the ship's hiding place barely making it inside the TARDIS when he exploded. River watched the child cuddle him as he cried like a baby against her chest. Slowly she made her away around the console until she could crouch next to him. Before he could move, she placed the hypospray against his neck and injected a powerful sedative in his system. Almost immediately, his unconscious body sagged against K'Nar.

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