Chapter 25 Bow Ties are Cool

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Thete wasn't sure what to expect when Sarah said those two little words that sent his hearts pounding, "they're here." She kissed the top of his head and went out to the desk to meet them, leaving him literally clutching Nan's hand. His stomach went all funny with butterflies as if he were waiting for a blind date to show up. In a way, he guessed that was exactly what was happening.

He'd dozed for a while, and now he was stiff, sore, and trying not to grunt as he straightened up. Nan put his footrest down, and helped him to sit up straight; hopefully he wouldn't look as pathetic. That was a little hard with a bag hanging on the side of the chair, an IV in his arm and a heart monitor quietly beeping out a double samba in the background, but at least he intended to try. He heard the worry in her voice as she spent the next fifteen minutes chatting about her dog, Harry, but Thete wasn't listening. Finally, the door opened, and there they were. Two strangers looking as nervous as he felt.

"You'll be fine, but push your button if it gets too much," Nan said quietly as she stood up. "We're just on the other side of the door; Tim is there too."

He shot her a puzzled look. "He's the officer who took Mike's place," she explained.

Thete just nodded as she kissed the top of his head. He noticed that even when nervous, Nan always spoke warmly, even when saying hello to the strangers. He swallowed reflexively when she left them --- alone -- staring at each other.

His mouth went dry, and he couldn't seem to form any words. The two strangers looked first at each other and then at him, making him even more nervous. For several seconds (that felt like hours), no one spoke. Unable to take the silence, he finally found his voice. "Hullo," he murmured so softly that they almost didn't hear him.

"Hey you, and what time do you call this?" The woman half chuckled.

She was young, Thete guessed she wasn't much older than Annie, and looked as nervous as he felt. Long, coppery hair fell around her face and shoulders. She was pretty, maybe a little too pretty to be with a man whose most distinctive feature was his nose. But if the way she clutched his hand meant anything, they were together. Her choice of clothes seemed a bit sexy to come to hospital. She was dressed in a blouse and short skirt with a jacket. Thete felt strange thinking like this. He wasn't sure Nan or Sarah would approve. Before Thete could blink, they both crossed the room and invaded his space.

"You look rubbish," She fussed gently as she knelt in front of him.

His hearts pounded, and his breath quickened. His face grew hot in anticipation of her touch. He jerked back and glared when she leaned closer brush the hair back out of his eyes. The thought of them so close was uncomfortable enough, but her touch was intimate and he didn't like it. She got the hint and drew her hand back, but he still wished that he was strong enough to pull the lever, so the footrest would come back up. He glanced at the call button resting in his lap. One push, and everyone, including his protector would be in and throw the strangers out. He just swallowed, and looked at them.

"I have something for you." She reached into her pocket and laid a bow tie in his lap. "You never go anywhere without your bow tie. It makes you look cool."

Thete fingered the tie and gave her a quizzical look. This girl wasn't at all what he expected. "I don't know you, either of you," he said defiantly. "You should know, I'm not leaving here. I can fight if I have to, just ask the nurses I've kicked off me." He tried to sound strong, but even to his own ears, the words came across weak and tired.

Must be my day to make women cry, he thought, when tears rimmed her eyes. It wasn't his intent to make the stranger cry, he just didn't want them to think that he was an easy target. The man dropped down next to her, sending Thete rigid at the prospect that the man would touch him.

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