Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

Picture of Daniel off to the side & in external link. (Played by Drew Roy)


I wake up, feeling the presence in the room and decide to keep my eyes closed, hoping that I would hear an interesting conversation like in the movies. Yeah, that would be cool.

 "Who are you?" they both say.

"I'm Daniel," he says.

"Oh, I've heard things about you," he says rudely. Dammit Jordan, wrong answers!

"Really? Well who are you?" Daniel says.

"I'm Jordan," he says.

"Well if you two get together, you better take care of her," he says raising his voice. Him? He's been taking care of me.

"Excuse me. But I've been taking care of her and being good to her. And what have you done? Nothing but make her almost lose her life, you asshole," he says and I hear someone get punched. I open my eyes and sit up quickly. My eyes widen at what I see, both of them bleeding.

"What the hell is going on here?" I hiss. They both look at me and back away from each other.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asks.

"I've been better without you. Why the hell are you here?" I say, glaring at him.

"I heard you got in an accident," he says walking toward me and Jordan blocks him.

"And?" I demand. "You've hurt me enough, just leave me alone." I grab Jordan by his arm and pain shoots up my arm, I let out a yelp. They both look at me alarmed and I raise an eyebrow at Daniel.

"Um, I need to talk to you alone," he says.

"No, you're not. I'm not leaving her side," Jordan says.

"Oh so you're her little guard, eh? Well, gee it's her decision, not yours," he smirks.

"Actually, it's both of ours, Daniel, he's trying to protect me and my feelings," I defend Jordan. I mean it is true, he cares about me and my feelings. "And I care for him, too."

Daniel looks at me and Jordan.

"Oh! So you guys are an item?" he says.

"No, he's my best friend. And he knows everything, I mean everything," I say.

"Come on, Melissa. Can't you forgive me?" he says with that voice that always got me. Is he crazy? Does he not know what he put me through?

"Dude, are you serious? You put her through hell! Just leave! You've caused enough," Jordan says angrily.

"You better back off, Mr. Hero," Daniel hisses.

"Why should he back off? Like, seriously," I say.

"I'm the guy who's made her happy, trying to protect her, help her, and heal her. Seriously, dude. What have you done?" Jordan snaps.

"Let me talk to him so he could get out of here," I give in. Jordan looks at me with concern. "Trust me, I'll be fine."

"Fine, just, you know," he says. I nod and he leaves.

"Okay, we're alone. Now, what do you want before I call someone to take you out of here," I say irritably. He sits on the side on my bed, stroking my hair, and he leans in for a kiss. I slap him and he tries again. I punch him in the nose. "Get the hell off me! I mean it Daniel, don't do that shit where you try to get me back."

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