Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

Picture of Trinity off to the side & in external.


Algebra goes by fast, only because Jordan and I were working, not even distracted since Mrs. Hernandez kept giving us the evil eye. Seriously, if looks can kill, him and I would be dead in a second, no more like a millisecond.

Jordan swings his backpack over his shoulder, grinning so wide that I think his face is going to break. I laugh as I adjust my backpack, (uneven shoulder straps-thingy's.) His grin goes smaller, until it's a small smile, then when I thought he was done grinning; he went back to that grin. I roll my eyes at him as I turn around, exiting the room, with Jordan inches behind me. I can even feel his warmth and his cologne that is just- oh my god. Breathtaking. No, snap out of it Melissa.

I take the lead towards my next class, Chemistry. I grunt silently. The crap! I hate Mr. Henderson even, though he praises me since I'm so good in that class. Yeah, whatever. Plus, he's the biggest pervert ever! He stares at girls' asses all the time, having the girls sit in the front while the boys sit in the back. He says that the girls are faster learners, therefore, the girls should sit in the front and guys should sit in the back. Doesn't make any sense! Ugh. Just- that guy disgusts me!

Jordan taps my shoulder and I notice that we're already in front of Chemistry. I turn around and smile at him, which gets a grin in return.

"What's with the grinning?" I ask and notice that it came out wrong. "I didn't mean it like that I just meant like, um it's nice that you're smiling." I look down at my Vans. "Um..." Jordan laughs and ruffles my hair. I send him my best death glare which makes him fix it and I smile in satisfaction.

"You're so silly, Mel. I just wanted to see your reaction," he says with a fake pout. I hit his arm playfully and smile while I lean on the door frame. My eyes flicker towards the door and back at him.

"You better get going, Jordan. I don't like it when I'm the reason that you're late to class," I say and Jordan frowns. I push myself off of the door frame and place my hand on his stomach. "Go," I mouth. He wraps me into a huge bear hug that I can barely breathe. He releases a little bit and I stand on my tip toes while I rest my head on his shoulder. I pull away with a smile on my face, his scent is always welcoming, like his home, but his cologne made it more welcoming, cinnamon spice.

"I'll be here to take you to French and I won't be late, trust me," he says and his eyes light up like Christmas day. I roll my eyes and attempt to smirk, hopefully it worked. I'm guessing it did because he smirked back and turned on his heel, walking to his class. I put my hand on the knob and it swings open. Huh, new door I guess.

"Good morning class," the teacher says. I tune him out as I stare into space. A girl nudges me in the side with her elbow and I raise my eyebrow at her.

"Uh, what'd I miss?" I ask her. She laughs at me, knowing that I wasn't paying attention. My head snaps towards the teacher, who's gladly getting after this boy who was snoring his way out. I mentally slap myself for tuning out.

"Nothing, that kid who always sleeps in this class, was sleeping again and Mr. Snappy got pissy about it so, I thought I'd help you out by getting you back to Earth," she says, dragging out the "o" in so. I mumble thanks and turn my head towards the board. "What's your name? I've never seen you around school except in this class and in the hallways."

I turn my head slightly towards her giving her my semi-attention. "Oh, I'm Melissa. What about you," I say doodling on the back page of my journal.

"Oh, I'm Trinity," she says and gathers her things from her other desk that she was sitting in. Trinity moves her stuff next to the desk beside me, (more like two feet gap between the desks) and sits in it. She raises her hand up to her mouth and snaps her head in my direction. "You're the girl that's with Jordan Taylor, right? I would think that you would go for another guy. Not in an offensive way, but that was Jessica's man. You are now my role model."

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