Chapter Four

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Picture of Melissa's Mom even though she's not in this chapter. (Played by Jama Williamson


I rolled over and the sun was beaming down through my windows. 

I checked my phone and it's 3 in the afternoon, I jumped out of bed and get my things ready for tonight. It's like what the hell do you pack when you're going to a guys house to spend the night?

I took a quick shower and I blow dried my hair when I got out. I changed into some shorts and t-shirt then put on some mascara. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I saw a girl, her hair is light brown and it's wavy, her grey eyes with confidence. Her skin was a little close to tan.

I called Jordan and told him that I was ready. His car honked around four o'clock. I got all my stuff together & walked out the house. His car was unlocked when I opened the car door and climbed in, buckling myself after that.

"So, why'd you call so late?" he said, focused on the road. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him.

"Well, yesterday was exhausting and I slept pretty good, plus I woke up at 3."

"Oh, its a good thing that you woke up at 3, because I woke up at 2, I guess it was stressful and exhausting for the both of us," he admitted. Exhausting, stressful, hurtful, stupid and happy. Those words that described yesterday.

"Yeah, but it had funny moments," he said, bringing me back to reality. We got to his house and he parked the car in the driveway.

He got out of the car and I followed his suit. I walked around the car, and he snaked his arm around my waist. I jumped and pulled away from him.

"Sorry, I just- keep forgetting you're not Jessica," he frowned. 

"Oh, no, it's okay, It just reminds me of, you know," I said as we walked up to his room.

"Yeah, I get it, sorry if I weirded you out or anything," he said and we walked into his room. I threw my bag as if I'm home, and I plopped myself on his bed. He has an Xbox 360, which means we might play some video games, he followed my gaze and he turned it on. "So, you're a gamer? I had no idea." Crap, memories of Daniel keep on flooding, I hated it so damn much!

"Yeah, when I was with Daniel, and at my house," I groaned. He passed me a controller and I turned it on. "Call of duty? Hell yeah," I said, but I regreted it once it's out.

"You know, that's the first time I ever heard you curse," he chuckled. Oh yeah, it is, dammit! I wasn't supposed to curse in front of him because it might make me look bad.

"Humph. Well then, um I didn't curse in front of you because um I didn't want to look bad, I guess," I mumbled.

"Melissa," he said and looked at me. I turned at him and raised my eyebrow. "I won't judge you, ever."

"You're a good friend Jordan," I said, slightly smiling. "You don't even know my last name, do you?" We had known each other for a week and we didn't know each others last names, wow.

"Nope, you don't know mine either, right? That's kinda weird how we don't," he shrugged. "My last name is weird though."

"Mine is too, well I think it is. We can count to three and say it at the same time," I suggested. He nodded and we counted to three.


"Taylor." We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Dude, you're last name isn't weird!" I chuckled.

"Yours is fine! Mine is a girls name!" Jordan pointed out. He playfully punched me in the arm and I acted like it hurt. "So, wanna play Call of Duty?"

"Yeah, why not?" We played until 6 and after that we watched Spiderman 2.

I ordered a large cheese pizza for the both of us and we argued who would pay. When the pizza delivery guy got here, we decided to split it in half. We answered the door and gave our money to him.

"J? Can I talk to you?" the delivery guy asked. Oh crap, it was that guy who asked him if he thought I was hot. He looked at me and Jordan, and Jordan looked at me.

"Uh, yeah I guess," he said and walked outside. I took the pizza and placed it on the coffee table then went to the kitchen and got two plates. I walked back into the living room and the delivery guy was standing there, alone.

"Um, hey. Can I ask you something?" the guy asked. I shrugged in response.

"Do you like him? As in, more than a friend?" I gave him a flat look and I put the plates on the table and looked at him.

"No, just as a close friend. Why do you ask? And who are you?"

"Uh, I'm Scott. I'm just wondering because you're at his house, and you guys are always hanging out," Scott said.

"So? That's what friends do, especially since we're partners in Algebra and have to study for the test. Where's Jordan?" I rambled, not making eye contact with him.

"He's outside, I told him to wait, 'cause I had to ask you a question," he simply said.

"Look, he knows that I don't want a relationship. I care about him as a friend, and that's all it is to it," I snapped.

"Whoa, I thought you were nice, Miss Melissa."

"I am, if you know me well, and not manage to piss me off." I retorted and walked outside looking for Jordan. Scott chased after me and hugged me from behind. "What the hella are you doing?"

"Oh come on, Melissa," he purred softly into my ear.

"Get off!" I hissed and pulled away from him.

"Melissa?" Jordan said from behind. I turned around and I stormed into his house. "What did you tell her? You made her mad."

"Nothing, I just asked her a question, she came outside, I hugged her from behind and she got mad," he muttered.

"Just go back to work, before I report you that you harassed a customer," he threatened. I sat on the couch watching this unfold.

"Okay, just calm down," he said.

Jordan came in and sat by me, grabbing a pizza and putting it on his plate. I ate two slices and he ate I think four. While watching Batman, I started to drift off into sleep, leaning against him.

I woke up next to Jordan and wondered how I got here. My gaze fell on Jordan as I noticed that he  younger when he was asleep. I walked to his bathroom and cleaned myself up.

I guess Jordan was so exhausted that he couldn't make it to the other room. I laid on my side facing the opposite way of him and he turned around sleepily and wrapped his arm around my waist. I tried to get out but then after a while, I realized that I was defeated. I laid there until I fell back asleep again.

Jordan woke me up and said that we could watch movies until I had to go back home.

He dropped me off at nine and I went into my room, throwing my bag by my bed and I checked my phone. Two messages from Maddie and Kaylee. I dropped my phone and tears formed in my eyes after I read them. They were my only friends and I didn't understand...

"Hey, uh this is hard but we don't want to be your friend anymore, we're getting bad rep because of you, so we're sorry and other reasons, sorry. ~Maddie"

"Melissa, I suppose you read the message from Maddie, I'm sorry but it's true, plus that's the reason we don't wear the bracelets anymore. They embarrass us in front of everyone. Sorry. ~Kaylee."

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