Secrets - four (Penny)

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(NOTE: I just realized that I can add videos on the side. You know how there are lyrics of a song that pertains to each chapter? You can listen/watch videos of these songs to get a feel of them while reading now. :D YAY!

I also updated my About Me if you want to check that out. Enjoy this lovely chapter. ;)

FEEDBACK is also appreciated!!)


So just give me one good reason

Tell me why I should stay

'Cause I don’t wanna waste another moment

In saying things we never meant to say

Breathe—Michelle Branch

Flashback—three months ago, March

“Here’s your receipt. Thank you and have a good day!” Penny was behind the register in front of the store near the entrance. The teenage customer gave her a small smile before she left the store. Penny frowned as the customer left—she was the only one this afternoon that bought anything. It was a slow Tuesday. Most of their regular customers were still in class or had other priorities.

Her cell phone’s light blinked on behind the register on the table; she looked down and smiled—a text from Jay. It reads: “Fancy another night in? I stole Siva’s collection of the Star Wars Trilogy.”

She giggled softly and sent him a text: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

A few minutes later, he sent: “Depends on what you want to do, Pen. You know I like surprises.”

Penny scoffed louder than she should have. She covered her mouth to contain her giggles.

“…Boyfriend teasing you?” A customer curiously asked. Penny leaped a step back from the counter, with her hand over her heart. There stood a familiar young man in front of her, with two books between them. He had on a plaid shirt on under his varsity jacket.

“Not my boyfriend…” Penny chuckled softly. She studied him more: his hair was short and blonde, had eyes the color of chocolate, and a really nice smile. She knew who he was: the captain of the college football team. “Just this guy I’m seeing.”

She took the two books he had on the table and began to ring them up. He was seemingly let down. “Ah, cool...”

“David McCullough. You a big history fan?” She cleared her throat as she set them aside. “That’ll be $30.”

He slid his card. Penny took it, but it wasn’t what she wanted; it was something like a business card, and his number. She looked up at him and raised her eyebrows. “You’re serious?”

“Sam Watson,” he introduced himself. “We’re in the same—”

“Math class, I know.” Penny smiled her I’m-at-work smile. This guy was up to something. She continued the procedure of taking his books. “Now, what will you be paying with?”

He threw in a $40. She opened the cashier box and slid the two $20 dollar bills and slipped out a $10.

“Have a nice day,” Penny said as she handed him his change, receipt, and books.

He took them and watched her as she grabbed her phone and left the counter. He began to follow her.

She turned around, slightly. “Do you need anything else?”

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