Chapter 5

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Izaya stared at the three people in front of him. Amusement clouded his eyes as he thought out his words carefully before speaking. "So that's what this is about?" He asked and the others growled. Shinra spoke up first. "Izaya you know I think of you as one of my friends but using a girl like that and playing with her heart? That's's not right!" Izaya resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He never really cared for women in that way at all. He did however like their reactions to heartbreak and betrayal, but even so, he drew the line at sex. He wasn't planning on having some halfbreed demon knock on his door saying they were his kid. In all honesty, he didn't even know if demons could have children with humans at all. He also didn't want to find out. All in all reproduction was a big "no" in his opinion. He was a bit impressed that they thought he would stoop that low, though. "I didn't lie to any girl, at least not about this." Izaya said he picked up a nail file off the coffee table in front of him and began to file his claws down to a more human and less animalistic look. He was aware that others thought it was strange that he took such good care of his but really it was simply that they grew so damn fast and he didn't like the way gloves felt unless he was wearing them during winter when they would keep him warm, as a result, he files them. Shinra sighed in relief and Izaya took this moment to continue. "It was a guy." He said bluntly and looked up to see their expressions. He smirked at the shock on their faces. Shizuo slammed his fist on the table successfully destroying it and catching everyone but Izaya be surprise. "WHAT THE HELL! GENDER DOESN'T MATTER! THAT'S STILL SICK,FLEA!" Izaya looked at the remains of the table on the floor. "I hope you'll be paying for that." He muttered clicking his tongue. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" Shizuo yelled and Izaya shook his head. "Never mind I'll take it out of your account later anyway." Izaya turned to look back at Shinra. "Next question." He said getting up and going back into the kitchen to search for the curry buns his brother made. "You're gay?" Shinra asked and Izaya turned around to look at him in slight surprise. Shinra quickly stuttered out numerous apologies. Izaya wrapped a couple of curry buns in napkins and placed them on a tray before bringing them back into the living room. He placed the tray on his desk due to someone recently destroying his coffee table. He passed the buns to Celty and Shinra, them sat back down with his. He held out a bun towards Shizuo who stared at it in suspicion. Izaya rolled his eyes and took a bite out of his own bun as if to prove it wasn't poisoned. Hesitant, Shizuo took the bun from his hand and bit it. "You know it's fine right?" Izaya turned back to Shinra."If you' know..." The memory of his brother filled Izaya's head. "I know it's fine." He said taking another bite and chewing. Shinra stared at him for a second. Celty typed something down before quickly showing them, it was a gesture that they had come to link with surprise. 'You're gay!?' She asked and Izaya brought a hand up to his chin and a calculating expression made its way onto his face. He thought it over for a moment. He never really liked anyone in that way, not men , not women. He didn't think he was gay, he did however know he definitely did not feel any sort of attraction towards women, sexual or otherwise. Izaya fished his phone out of his pocket and silently searched up his thoughts before choosing the one he thought was closest to what he felt. "Here." He tossed the phone to Celty and leaned back finishing his bun. Celty read the contents before passing the phone to Shinra. "Asexual and Aromatic?" Shinra read out loud with obvious confusion laced in his voice. "Yes, now that that's taken care of please leave so I can book my flight for England." Shizuo, confused took this as an opportunity to yell. Again. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT?" Izaya scoffed pointing to the blonde. "Don't forget to take him with you too. Why the hell did you even bring him with you?." Shinra jolted slightly as if snapping out of his thoughts. "What? Oh, right. Well, as soon as my darling came home she began typing furiously, I couldn't even read what she wanted to say! She was so fast. All I could really tell was that she was obviously angry and she wanted me to do something. During that time Shizuo came over to get some treatment for some of the cuts you gave him which, by the way, were a bit too deep this time." Izaya rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. I'm not planning on killing him quite yet." Shinra looked at him in surprise and a spark of happiness and hope lit up in his eyes. "Don't look at me like that. It annoys me." Izaya said moving to his desk and opening his laptop. "So you don't hate Shizuo?" Izaya looked over to the blonde who was watching him in annoyance and confusion. "Just because I let him live doesn't mean I don't hate him. I kept him alive because I still need him." Shizuo began yelling so loud that he became incomprehensible. "So you need him? What for?" Izaya looked away from them and began typing. "Nothing important, I suppose you could call it an experiment of some sort." Izaya smiled happily but only malicious joy could be seen in his eyes. When Sebastian saved Finnian from that lab to make him the phantomhive's gardener he gave the information and files on the experiments to Izaya for him to look after. When Izaya met Shizuo he grew curious and began comparing Finny's data to Shizuo's to see which was stronger. The issue was that Shizuo subconsciously holds back his strength, so as a result Izaya decided that he would make Shizuo hate him to the point where he was emotionally unstable and physically unable to hold back."An experiment?" Shinra asked and Izaya hummed a response. 'Did you say you were booking a flight for England?' Izaya smirked in a weak effort to cover up his annoyance,not looking up form his computer he answered. "Yes! Now if you don't mind leaving so I can actually get to that." The room fell silent and Izaya sighed in relief. "Now let's see..." Izaya muttered to himself. "Narita is the closest airport so I'll obviously be heading there..." he began looking through the options on the screen. "Izaya?" Shinra called and Izaya waved him off, continuing. "If I take the British airways I'll get there in twelve hours and thirty minutes at least. I'll be riding in first class, of course..." Izaya whispered now growing a bit exited to go to London. He decided to stay where there would be less people. He loved playing with humans and he found them to be an incredibly entertaining species. However, on a plane surrounded by them, he couldn't help but remember that he was a demon. He was dead. "Izaya!" Shinra called again and Izaya ignored him focusing on his current task and pushing his past thoughts down. "I'll take one bag, and I'm leaving tonight. I don't want any unnecessary distractions so a non stop flight is better...there!" Izaya smirked and spun in his chair. "All done." Izaya hummed in satisfaction. "Izaya!" Shinra yelled and Izaya turned to look at the three. "You guys are still here?" Shinra let out a frustrated noise. "Izaya, what are you doing? England?" Izaya gave Shinra a confused look. "Please explain because I don't know What you are talking about?" Shinra looked him in the eyes and repeated his question. "You said England, right?" Izaya stayed silent with the same confused expression resting on his face. Shinra, who was quite familiar with the particular facial expression, took this as a sign to explain. "When Celty asked for confirmation on wether you were leaving for England you immediately responded yes and then continued to book a flight for tonight. Why are you going to England in the first place? Actually, now that I think about it, you didn't even look at Celty's PDA, how did you know what Celty asked without reading it?" Realization made itself known and Izaya cursed himself mentally. He forgot to look at the PDA! He couldn't understand why he was making so many mistakes today. He was usually so careful, perhaps it was due to the fact that his brother had come for a visit? Or perhaps this is some sort of karma? This was one of the times where Izaya truly believed the universe hated him.

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