Chapter 4

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Izaya sighed in displeasure. He wanted to get these people out so he could go help his brother pack. "What do you want?" Izaya asked wanting to get this over with. Shinra took a step forward and raised his hand to slap him. Izaya dodged and frowned. "Look, if you're here to-" Izaya was interrupted by a strong blow to the face. " damn you flea!" Izaya stumbled backwards and held his cheek. The three took this as a chance to enter the room and Izaya felt himself Growl in hatred. That damn protozoan. A hand fell on his shoulder and Izaya turned around. Sebastian was standing behind him with a suitcase in his hand. A brand new sense of annoyance filled Izaya as he realized that not only had he not helped with packing at all, but Sebastian had packed everything in only a few minutes when it usually took him hours. Izaya took a deep breath in through his nose and out his mouth to calm himself down before turning to his brother. Sebastian's eyes widened a bit at the bruise already forming on his left cheek where he had been punched. He put the suit case down by the door and moved to touch the it. Izaya winced as he made contact with the injury. Sebastian turned to the three intruders and glared. "Who might you be?" He asked in an angry tone and Izaya scoffed, pushing Sebastian back gently. "It's fine Sebastian, I'll take care of it." Sebastian looked at him in surprise. "Izaya they hurt you." The older was confused by the fact Izaya wasn't fazed by this. Izaya could understand why Sebastian was concerned, Shizuo was a human and yet he somehow managed to give him a bruise. In all honesty Izaya was concerned the first time Shizuo had punched him as well, but he later stopped caring once he realized that Shizuo posed no threat to him and was simply an idiot who just so happened to have inhuman strength. Sebastian didn't know that though. "I can handle this, you can leave, I'll see you tomorrow." Izaya said making a mental note to explain 'Shizuo' later. Sebastian opened his mouth to object but in the end simply sighed in defeat. He knew how stubborn his brother could be. That wasn't about to stop him from caring for him though. Sebastian walked into the kitchen and pulled an ice pack out of the fridge and passed it to the younger. Izaya placed it against his cheek and turned back to the three people in front of him who were quietly watching Sebastian in suspicion, with the exception of Shizuo of course. "Who the hell are you!?" He yelled and Sebastian turned to glare at them. Izaya noticed and shoved him out the door. "Go." He said ignoring Shizuo's yells in protest. Izaya was never one who liked to be protected and he knew that if he were to let his brother stay it would only lead to humiliation and embarrassment. Some towards him, and some towards Shizuo. Sebastian seemed to have understood his silent plea and smiled slightly knowing his brother could take care of everything himself. Sebastian ran a hand through Izaya's hair playfully. Izaya groaned in protest but didn't stop him. The three intruders watched the scene confused, and slowly their curiosity drowned out their anger. Sebastian continued petting his brother's hair as he spoke. "I need to have dinner ready at the manor, that is, if it's still in one piece." Izaya smirked slightly with a light chuckle as he remembered the stories his brother told about his work and the other staff. Sebastian smiled at his brother's laugh and moved his hand to touch the bruise on his cheek again. He made contact and Izaya resisted the urge to move away knowing it would only make his brother more worried. Sebastian, knowing Izaya too well, saw through it, causing him to frown, He looked over his younger brother's face then to the others in concern. He wasn't in the room when it happened so he couldn't pinpoint wether the one who had caused it was the woman in black, or the man in the bartender suit, it couldn't have been the one with glasses,he was too scrawny and weak to hurt a demon. "Sebastian." Izaya spoke, his voice forcing its way into Sebastian's worried thoughts. The older brother nodded still a bit concerned, he sighed once more and opened his arms. Izaya clicked his tongue and glanced at the three in front of him before looking at his brother. Sebastian lowered his arms in realization and a look of disappointment crossed his face. Izaya rolled his eyes and slowly stepped into his brother's arms and gave him a quick hug before pushing him out. "I left some curry buns in the kitchen for you." Sebastian said with a slightly satisfied, smug smile and Izaya let a small growl slip before quickly covering it up with a smirk, still fully aware of the three watching them. "Okay, thanks!" He called before shutting the door. He paused for a second after closing the door before looking back to the three friends who were quietly staring at him with an expectant look. Celty didn't even have a face and he could still see it. Izaya took a deep breath, he held the bridge of his nose with one hand and with the other he gestured for the others to follow him into the living room, surprisingly, they followed him without a word. Izaya plopped down on the couch and smirked at them playfully. The three sat down across from him. It was silent for a second until Izaya spoke, "So, why exactly are you here?" He asked getting straight to the point. The three looked at each other for a moment before Shinra voiced out what they were all thinking. "Who was that guy?" Izaya looked at them, his smirk unwavering but inside he was panicking. "No one important." He said smoothly with a wave of his hand. "You didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" He repeated. "Sure as hell didn't seem like no one important." Shizuo grumbled and izaya ignored him, successfully pissing him off even more. "DONT IGNORE ME YOU DAMN FLEA!" He yelled and threw a punch which izaya dodged. Shinra struggled to calm him down while Celty typed something into her PDA and showed it too him. Izaya read at it before looking at her. 'I told them about the phone call and the way you lied to the girl you were talking to,as well as how you convinced her that you loved her.' Izaya felt himself struggle to keep up his smirk. He felt a bit disgusted that they got this out of his conversation over the phone with his brother but he was also greatly humored for the same reason. He struggled to stop himself from laughing. It almost worked, emphasis on 'almost'. It began as a small giggle, then a chuckle, then he burst into a full blown laughter. Shizuo was quiet during the whole ordeal and glared at him in anger. Izaya's laughter died down and he wiped the tears from his eyes. He ignored the disgusted look Shinra gave him and the obvious hatred Celty wished to express but couldn't. Izaya knew this was all a misunderstanding but he was still willing to play
Along for his own amusement. Suppressing a chuckle he gave them a smirk and leaned back in his chair. Izaya took in their expressions. Once again it was proven to him that these people held a world of entertainment simply by being themselves.

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