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The six boys just stood there starring at their beloved, resting on the hospital bed. His gorgeous face looks so peaceful when he's asleep, those soft features they can't bare to let go. His caring personality they'll surely miss, and his warm touches they crave for all the time. Hoseok lets a tear slip passed his eye, he doesn't want Seokjin to leave them...not like this. 

'Goddamn why is life such a bitch', is what they all thought. "Doc is there really no way he can live through this pregnancy?" Yoongi asked the doctor, "Well there is a way," she said. She pauses and thinks through on what to say before looking at the guys seriously. "He can get surgery, we have plenty of donated healthy kidneys in this hospital to replace his weakened ones," she told them as the their eyes lit up with hope. 

But the next thing the doctor said made all of their hopes vanish in seconds, "but because of his pregnancy, I'm afraid the twins won't make it through this surgery," they all look at her with sadness in their eyes.

Namjoon holds onto one of Seokjin's soft hands, gently caressing the back of his palm. "Just a reminder, visiting hours will end in less than a hour. You may see Mr. Kim again tomorrow at 8am," she said before bowing before them and taking her leave. The second she shuts the door, Jungkook burst into tears and starts to hiccup through his sobs. 

"I'm so sorry Seokjin," he sobs, "I'm so s-sorry...for everything I d-did to you," Jungkook lays his head next to his lover. Now it was Jimin and Taehyung's turn to cry, flashbacks of them abusing the younger and treating him harshly starts to come back to them. 

Namjoon and Yoongi looks down in guilt and shame, while Hoseok clenches his fists to his sides as the dam in his eyes broke. About what seems like the eternity, the boys calmed down their emotions and get their shits together. They have at least 4 to 5 months more with Seokjin, in those months they agreed to start treating him better than the time they first had him. 

The six men have a lot of praying to do in that long period of time, and they'll make sure they will cherish every moment with Jin as if it was their last. 


Time flew by so fast Bangtan swore that if time was a person, they will surely beat the hell out of them.

Seokjin was already discharged from the hospital, but the doctor told him to come back every two week for checkups. After leaving the hospital, Seokjin was so surprised on how the boys planned out the entire the day for them to go out and have fun. Every moment of that day left a happy memory in their brains. 

Weeks after that, the six men begin to spoil the younger with their love and attention. But that one time when Seokjin had his mood swings again, the guys had to be really patient with him. After all, a fuming pregnant teen who throws a lamp at you for getting him the wrong ice cream flavor, but demands a hug seconds later is a lot of work. Now Jin was currently 26 weeks into his pregnancy.

He told the guys he didn't really want to do anything today but relax. Of course Bangtan being head over heels for the young, respected his wishes. They sat down in the comfy sofas of their new home in Busan. They didn't feel safe going back in Seoul so fortunately they have many houses scattered throughout South Korea to stay hidden. 

Apparently now that Jaechul is dead his many allies are now out to get Bangtan. Seokjin doesn't know this because the guys didn't want to risk stressing him out as it could harm the twins. They have a strong ARMY to protect them anyways and back them up if necessary. They also have a few strong allies who are at the moment helping them take down the remaining enemies. 

Namjoon feels a vibrate next to him on the couch, he stands up taking the phone that was next to him. He goes into the kitchen closing the door that leads to the living room. He makes sure he is out of ear shot from the others before checking the caller ID. 'GOT7 JACKSON,' it read.

Namjoon swipes the green button, "whats up," he said, "Bro you gotta get outta there fast, Mark just reported seeing some of Jaechul's allies heading to Busan with black vans," Jackson told him in a distressed voice. "Will send you backup at the nearest safe house, just get going now quickly," Namjoon can obviously hear the guns firing from Jackson's end. 

Namjoon ends the call and runs into the living room immediately, the guys looks at their leader. Namjoon gives them a nod and they instantly knew what that meant. Seokjin looks at them in confusion when he sees all of them standing up. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook went to go get their bulletproof vests, Hoseok and Yoongi takes all the guns they have. Once Bangtan was suited up and heavy loaded, they all ran out of their once safe apartment with Jimin carefully carrying Jin bridal style.

"Guys what's going on," Jin said in a worry tone as they all got into a bulletproof SUV. "We'll tell you later but right now we gotta get to safety fast," Jimin told him. Yoongi starts the vehicle and drives quickly out of there. He takes the road that was not tractable on the radar, next to him on the passenger's seat was Namjoon on his phone sending the alert message to his men and allies.

The rest of the other five were in the backseats, trying to stay calm yet having their guards up. Seokjin was also trying to stay calm but a sudden bullet hitting the car had him panicking. He jumps, Bangtan looks back and sees a couple of black vans hot on their tails. "Jimin, Jungkook, you know what to do," Namjoon orders. The two rolled down their windows and started to shoot their assault rifles at the enemies. 

Hoseok looks at the sunroof above them, he opens the panel and grabs his sniper rifle. He places the gun on the roof of the car taking aim at one of the black van's drivers before pulling the trigger. The enemy vehicle loses its control before it hits the other van next to it, taking out three cars at once. Taehyung takes several grenades triggering all of them and tossing them at the remaining black vans. In just seconds an explosion goes off as the black vans went up in flames. 

"Great job guys," Namjoon compliments the four. "Yoongi speed it up a little," Namjoon told the driver. Yoongi nods before stepping further onto the accelerator. The SUV zooms onto the deserted road until they were surrounded by tall trees. It was dark out and these trees does not help calming Seokjin in the slightest. They drove for hours in this secluded place, Taehyung told Namjoon to turn on the radio because he noticed the stress building up in Jin's eyes. 

The calm acoustic songs helped a little in subsiding the adrenaline in Seokjin's nerves. The car rolls up into what seems like a warehouse in the middle of the forest. There were men wearing black guarding the entrance to the place. Yoongi rolls down the windows so his identity was shown to the guards. The men immediately recognizes him and opens up the gates for Yoongi to drive through.

After they all got inside the building, Bangtan had to make sure everything and everyone around them were secured. Just then a young looking man who seems to be in his early 20s came up to them, he was slightly taller than Namjoon maybe like around 6ft tall? "We have tracked down Jaechul's allies, they are reported to be scattered at nearby private ports sir," he told Namjoon, 'shit,' the leader swore in his head. "Thanks for the update Soobin, tell Yeonjun to send a copter here. And be ready for a fight, we're gonna have to attract some attention if we're going to get outta here," Namjoon told the young guard now known as Soobin. 

Soobin nods his head and proceeds to get on with his given task. "Namjoon..." the leader hears a sweet voice call out, the six men turn to look at their trembling lover. Namjoon came up to him and gently wraps his muscular arms around the pregnant teen, "it's okay baby...just take deep breaths," Namjoon told him as he rubs soothing circles on Jin's back. 

Once Seokjin calms down a little, Namjoon places a loving kiss on his forehead. "Round up our men!" Namjoon ordered, Bangtan was just standing behind him waiting for all their men to gather around them. Now that every guard and gang member were present in the warehouse they all waited for what the leader was going to say next. 

"Listen up, it was clear from the beginning that Jaechul wanted us all slaughtered, but now that he's dead we ended up being the target of many other mafia gangs all over Korea." Namjoon starts off, "This war has yet to be finished. So once the fleet of helicopters get here, get ready for a bloody battle!" the leader exclaimed raising his gun and seconds later the entire facility was filled with motivated cheers. 

An hour later they all hear wind swirling outside the warehouse, Namjoon stood up from the armchair he was sitting on. He looked at the rest of Bangtan and Seokjin who looks like he is doing all that he can to stay calm.

Once the fleet of helicopters were just hovering right next to the warehouse, Namjoon says, "Let's do this," and the first shot of a gun was heard. 

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