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The twins are healthy and safe. But their well beings is not what I should be worried for at the moment.

A voice echo's through his mind. Seokjin finds himself in a dark place not realizing what's going on in the real world.

Huh what do you mean?

Are you guys aware of the condition Mr. Kim is in?


"What are they talking about," Seokjin thinks to himself. He wonders why some of the voices sounded familiar as well.

Well we've run a few tests on him and the results appear the same...


I'm sorry to break it to you, but-

"Wait a minute", the pitch black suddenly turns into blinding lights. Slowly the once heavy eyelids lifted from their sockets.

Seokjin groans at the sudden brightness of the room. "Where am I?" he questions mentally.

"Hey guys he's waking up!" A very familiar voice calls out. A blurry figure appears above Seokjin, as the pink haired male tried to focus on the unknown person hovering over him.

Moments late the guy's green hair and face starts to come into focus, Namjoon. The older had a very worried expression as he looked down at Seokjin. Mere moments later the other five came up to him, followed lastly by a women in a white coat. Seokjin groans as he slowly perches himself up on the hospital bed he laid on. "Mr. Kim?" Seokjin looks up to the doctor, "how are you feeling?" she asked. 

"I-," Seokjin was about to speak but feels a sudden irritation in his throat. He coughs harshly, the doctor pushes the others away before they could get to him. She helps Seokjin get through his coughing fit until he stops and takes in deep breaths. Seokjin faces away from the guys, he could just taste that metallic liquid on his tongue. He's too afraid to show them.

"Mr. Kim, please look at me," the women said, Seokjin gulps before slowly turning towards them. The lady gently grabs a hold of his wrist to pull it away from his mouth. The six men gasped in shock and dread upon seeing the amount of blood on their lovers palm and mouth. "It's just as worst as I expect it to be," the doctor said. 

"When was the last time you've taken medication," she quickly asks Seokjin, "erm-, maybe like 4 or 5 months ago?" he said unsure. The guys then thought back to the whole mess with Chanyeol, "Oh my- and you haven't taken any since?" the doctor asked. ".....N-no," Seokjin looks down feeling tear building up in his eyes. 

"What's the problem?" Yoongi asked the women eagerly, the others were desperate for her response. Seokjin looks at her with eyes pleading for her to not tell them, the women sighs and looks at the six men. 

"Mr. Kim has...major kidney problems."

The room goes dead silent and if a pin drops, everyone in the room would hear it. "It's so bad to the point there are some risks he has to face," the women told them. 

"And...what are those risks," Hoseok asked.

"Well to sum it all up, since he is carrying to healthy babies...







it's who's life would have to be sacrificed for the others to live."

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