chapter 2

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(Sorry for the late update I've been really busy with school and musical rehearsals.)
Me and kagome started running to the tree. "That means we're practically home". As we got closer to the tree we noticed a boy pinned to the tree by an arrow. "Hey there whatcha doing?" Kagome said as she walked closer. the boy has long silver hair and what looks to be dog ears he is also wearing a red kimono. Kagome steps on the vines looking at his ears "I think I want to touch em." She felt his ears and sighed. Then arrows came flying at us,but they missed we turned to see a bunch of villagers.After they tied us up they took us to a village where everyone kept staring at us. "Make way for the high priestess kyeade" One of the villagers said. An old woman walked over and threw some weird powder at us."be gone ye demons!". "Hey,hey we're not demons!!" i said yelling at the lady who i think is kyeade. She finally untied us and lead us to her hut. "ye be clever girls or dimwits".kagome started mumbling but all we heard was "we definitely aren't in Tokyo anymore are we?" Kyeade looked at us and tilted her head. "To-ky-o I've never heard of it,is that where your people are from?" Me and kagome stood up "Yeah and we should be heading back,although we have no clue how to get there". Then we heard a loud cash and villager screaming,so the three of us went outside and saw the centipede monster from earlier."Its that thing" me and kagome said at the same time. A moment later a dead horse was thrown at us so i pushed kagome and kyeade out of the way."We have to lure it into the bone eaters well" Kyeade said. I stopped and thought "that's the well we came out of". I started running towards the forest with kagome not far behind me. As we're running i ask kagome "its where the light shines the brightest right?" She nods in response. Mistress centipeade knocks straight into the ground which sends us flying.we landed in front of the tree with the boy from earlier."playing with bugs now are we kikyo?". We both looked up at him shocked and suprized. "Why are you just sitting there,the kikyo i know wouldn't waste her time". I look over at kagome and she looks irritated."that does it kikyo,kikyo who ever she is thats not me because my name is...". The weird boys ears twitched and quietly said"she's here". We turned around and mistress centipeade threw us in the air and it felt like somthing was being ripped out of my side. The next thing i knew me and kagome landed on the being the smart alic i am i said "thats gonna leave a bruise"." Yeah no kidding" kagome said while trying to stand up.the moment we stood up mistress centipeade pinned kagome to the tree inuyasha was on and lady kyeade pulled me behind her. Then i saw mistress centipeade eat both parts of the shikon jewel and her grip on kagome got tighter. So i ran to a villager and asked to borrow their bow and arrow. "Let my sister go" i yelled then fired an arrow at mistress centipeade. As it was flying towards her it started to glow the same lilac color from earlier.

(Inuyasha: hey Author-chan i have a question.

Author-chan:what is it inuyasha?

Inuyasha:whos the girl with kikyo?

Kagome: i keep telling you im not kikyo i'm kagome.

Inuyasha: who is she?

Author-chan: you'll find out soon.)

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