fate [e.p] - 12.22.19

1.6K 33 9

word count: 3533

pairing: edmund pevensie x fem!reader

warnings: like one curse word, cheeky edmund


you awoke with a start, a sudden sinking feeling washing over you as you didn't hear the blaring of your alarm. you slowly turned over, seeing you had slept in an extra 30 minutes. "shit!" you cursed, jumping out of bed and swinging your legs over the side of the bed, running over to your closet and pulling out your uniform. you were most definitely going to miss your usual train, so you wouldn't be able to take the train with your boyfriend and his siblings as you typically did. with a huff, you quickly brushed through your hair and threw on your clothes, grabbing your bag and rushing out the door.

you were running down the street, muttering "excuse me" or "pardon me" to whoever stood in your way, pushing through the crowd. you knew a shortcut through an alley to the nearest station, so you quietly slipped into it, changing your route. you began slowing your run to a walk when you heard a small noise; almost a buzzing. you glanced around the usually dead-silent alleyway, seeing nothing but hearing the buzzing increase in volume. it began to get unbearable, and a tightening feeling wrapped itself around you. you wanted to move, desperately, but it was as if some force was holding you in your spot.

all of a sudden, the buildings around you began to crumble. you watched in fear, mouth agape, as your surroundings morphed into something entirely different. you now stood in a great forest, and you did what anyone in your situation would've done, you screamed. you heard a few birds distantly fly away, and you slid down the nearest tree, your back resting against it. you leaned your head between his knees, and began to cry. where were you? would you ever see the people you loved again? your friends? family? edmund?

the thought of edmund worrying about you not arriving at the station filled your mind. he hadn't even known you were going to be late, he was probably searching for you as you spoke. meanwhile, you weren't even sure where you were, in a foreign forest when only minutes ago, you were in an alleyway in london. you were brought out of your thoughts when you heard the sound of hooves against the ground. you shot up, grabbing the nearest object- which happened to be a stick- and held it protectively in front of you. out of seemingly nowhere a horse appeared, a man clad in metal armor sitting atop it gracefully. "who are you? what is your business here?" he demanded, and you only stood and stared, fear in your eyes.

"speak!" he commanded, and you flinched. "y-y/n l/n, sir." you managed, and he looked at you absolutely dumbfounded. "are you saying you're a daughter of eve?" he asked, his tone now one of wonder and curiosity. "a what?" you asked, furrowing your brows. "a human." he clarified, and you tilted your head, confused. "are you not human?" you asked, taking a small step back. the man in armor slid off his horse, and you took yet another defensive step back, stick raised high. "my lady, forgive me." he spoke, bowing to you. you frowned at him, and he sighed. "you have no idea what is happening, i assume?" he spoke, and you nodded. "we'd better get you out of these woods.. you're lucky you landed here, and not somewhere else." he muttered, the end mostly to himself.

you weren't sure what prompted you to allow him to take you elsewhere, maybe it was that your fear of the forest was greater than your fear of the stranger. he seemed to know a lot about you, and something was telling you to trust this man. so you did, he helped you onto his horse and you held tightly onto his torso, watching the many trees fly by until you came across a clearing, and the sight took your breath away. "wow." you whispered, and the man in front of you chuckled. "beautiful, isn't it?" he asked, and you made a hum of agreement, not able to tear your eyes from the beautiful mountains in the distance and the bright blue sky above you. the war in london was still going strong, and you never got to see the sun anymore. no matter where you were, you definitely appreciated the change in scenery. you only wished edmund was with you to experience this.

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