polaroids [f.w] - 12.14.19

567 3 0

word count: 1722

pairing: fred weasley x reader

warnings: angst, death.


a sigh escaped your lips as you rummaged through the old box you had stored in your bedroom. you had just arrived home after the end of your 7th year term, and you were sorting your things. the war was finally over, and finally for once in your life, things had started to feel almost normal. you were just getting through your final year, you did have to repeat it due to the horrors of your last year where every corner you'd find a curse waiting to be thrown at you. you finished your exams with the grades you tried so hard to get and were happy with how things had gone.

until you received an owl a few days before you were due to return home, that you and your family were to move to america within the coming weeks. you hadn't wanted to leave, but your parents assured you that leaving would be best for you, with all the traumatic experiences you'd faced. you lost the only person you loved in the war, yes, but you were managing well, with the help of your best and closest friends. you didn't know how you would survive without them. even besides that, you had grown up in england, in this very house, and with every bit of decoration being placed in various boxes, you felt your childhood being picked apart piece by piece.

it was hard for you, having had some of your best memories in the old building. which is why when you stumbled upon a dusty, yet distinguishable box you vividly recalled, you couldn't pull yourself from the urge to go through it. you pulled the box with you as you sat on the edge of your bed, gently lifting the lid and smiling as your eyes glanced over the contents. it was filled with polaroid pictures; a camera that was gifted from your muggle aunt, that you forced him to take pictures of you both with on multiple occasions. you ran your hand gently over the pile, your hand grazing a random one and picking it up, smiling fondly as you reminisced.

an 11 year-old version of yourself stood shakily in front of the brick wall, your heart racing. your mother ran briskly behind you, catching up to your small form quickly. glancing at her wrist, your mother cursed under her breath and grabbed your wrist, pulling you without warning through the passage to what would be your new home.

the platform was quite intimidating, parents and children running here and there, scrambling to get onto the train. you bid your mother goodbye, and without much protest, found your way onto the train. being a first year student was hard, and you wanted to find yourself an empty compartment, rather than having to ask someone to sit with them and risk rejection. you found one quickly, pulling out your camera and a book and throwing your case above, relaxing in the seat.

your silence was only interrupted by the door flying open, and two identical redheaded boys who looked a few years older than you, sat down in front of you. you blinked in shock, when one of the two reached out a hand to you. "fred weasley. this is my brother, george. we're third years. mind if we join you?" you took a second, before hesitantly taking his hand and shaking it, followed by george's. "y/n l/n." "say, what's that?" george piped up, pointing to the polaroid sitting next to you. "it's my camera, see!" you spoke enthusiastically, the pride of your camera overwhelming you. they seemed intrigued, so after a quick explanation, fred spoke up.

"could we take a picture together?" you looked at him, making sure he wasn't messing around or making fun of you, but he seemed genuine. you smiled, agreeing. you slipped in between the two twins, fred taking the camera due to his longer arm, and you all posed as he snapped the picture.

a single tear slid down your cheek as you took in the memory, taking in a deep breath. that was only the first of many interactions you had with the weasley twins. a sad, yet meaningful chuckle escaped your lips. if only you had known back then how important those boys were going to be in your life, you would've gotten to know them better right then and there. sure, they were three years older than you, but they acted as though they were three younger.

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