the boy on the train [p.p] - 12.14.19

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word count: 1421

pairing: peter pevensie x reader

warnings: TRIGGER: anixety, anxiety attacks. please do not read if you are not comfortable with the following.

disclaimer: this is not in any way 100% accurate to an attack, everyone is different and this is mostly based off of personal experience. please know you're never alone and you are so loved. <3

a/n: this is my first narnia imagine :)



the train station was your least favourite place. you were never one for crowds, and especially not one for socialization. you wished dearly you could be like others, speak out and make friends with the children at your stops who rode the train next to you, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. the overwhelming nature of your anxiety steered you away from any interactions with anyone you weren't well acquainted with, and there were not many of those people. instead, it became routine to keep your head low, fidgeting quietly with your hands in an attempt to avoid human contact until you arrive at your stop. it wasn't ideal, and it wasn't pleasant, but it worked all the same.

it had been a long day at school, with exams just around the corner you decided to stay a bit later to speak one-on-one with your maths teacher. you didn't exactly excel in the subject, but you definitely could not find it in yourself to ask questions during class. the sole thought of speaking out brought a wave of nausea to wash over you, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. you rather opted to wrote down your 'stupid' questions, and saved them for the end of the day when all the students had cleared out.

you hadn't realized just how long it was going to take however, as it was now nearly time for your regular train home to depart, and the next wouldn't come for another hour. you briskly thanked your teacher and rushed to your locker, throwing books and pens in your bag hurriedly before zipping it up, slamming the door and practically throwing yourself outside, running as fast as you could to the nearest station, silently praying you wouldn't miss your one-way home. you quickly descended the stairs, muttering some small "sorry"s and "excuse me!"s.

you just barely slid through the closing doors, a relieved sigh escaping your lips. your relief only lasted a matter of seconds, however, because your whole 'scene' had managed to attract the attention of most of the cart, and you suddenly felt very aware of their eyes on you. you stood frozen, like a deer caught in the headlights, as tears sprung to your eyes and fear suddenly consumed you. you felt like you were drowning. you shrunk down, turning your back to the sea of students watching and hopelessly attempting to focus on your breathing, eyes screwed shut. 'it's fine. you're fine.' you repeated in your head, trying to calm down.

a tap on your shoulder had you tense up, shooting straight up and turning to see a boy standing before you, concern lacing his features. his eyes grew wider as he saw you in your full state, gently taking hold of both your hands, pulling your attention to him. "hey, hey. it's alright. look at me." instead, your gaze dropped to the ground, thoughts of how embarrassing this was rushing through your head. "look at me." he repeated, firmly. you did as you were told, tears now freely running down your cheeks and your body shaking visibly.

his gaze was soft, calming; but it was intently on you, and you only. "breathe with me." he coached, and you tried your best to follow his movements. it took a few minutes, him soothingly coaching you through your pain and slowly, but surely, you felt your breath evening out and bit your lip, trying to halt your crying. he reached into his jacket, pulling out a handkerchief and offering to you, which you gladly accepted, wiping your tears. the two of you stood in silence for a few moments as you cleaned yourself up, him waiting patiently for you to collect yourself.

you finally sniffled, looking up properly at your hero. he wasn't super tall, but was taller than you with beautiful golden hair, and soft blue eyes. his eyebrows were furrowed into an expression of concern, and his lips were pursed. he looked about your age, you decided, and you swallowed hard. this man was absolutely gorgeous, and he was kind; he took time out of his day to help you through an attack. you were speechless in every way.

you stared for a moment, realizing your actions and moving your gaze to the floor, a sudden heat rising to your cheeks. "are you alright?" he spoke softly, and looking up at his dazzling blue orbs, you shot him a very forced smile. "yeah?" you tried to answer, but it came out as more of a question, and the crack in your voice said it all. his frown deepened, and instead of looking at him, your eyes danced around at all the unwanted eyes watching you, and you shrunk more into yourself.

the boy seemed to take notice of this, and his gaze followed yours, seeing all eyes on you. he clenched his hands into fists, surprising you. "oi, mind your business would ya?" he yelled, and in turn some murmurs were heard, before quickly, the regular sound of chatter seemed to bounce through the train and all attention from you was gone. well, almost all attention. the boy in front of you still watched you as though you were made of porcelain and could break at any given moment.

you finally felt the constricting feeling in your lungs lessen, and you looked up to your savior, his gaze intently focused on you. "thank you." you managed, your voice quiet in contrast to the loud chatter around you, but it made the boy smile. god, his smile was even more beautiful than you would've thought. "don't thank me, i was only doing what was right. i'm peter, by the way." he stuck out his hand politely, and hesitating, you reached out for it, shaking it. "y/n."

maybe it was the way you were entranced by his appearance, or maybe it was the way he helped you, no questions asked, when he hadn't even known your name. you couldn't explain it, but this boy made you feel warm, almost safe. you weren't used to talking to anyone, let alone a complete stranger on the train, but there was something about him that made you want to open up to him, to get to know him.

"so, are you alright, really?" he asked, after a moment's silence. you thought about it, and you suddenly realized since he'd found you, you hadn't done any of the regular ticks to distract your mind of your anxiety; hair pulling, hand fidgeting, nothing. your features lit up into a proud smile, and you beamed up at peter. "yes, actually. i think i am." he looked a little bit confused, but smiled nonetheless, proud that he was able to comfort you.

you two chatted on for a little bit longer, before he looked behind him and saw three people looking expectantly at him, standing by the doors. the train slowed to a stop, and he sighed. "this is my stop, i'm afraid." you frowned at this; you didn't want your time to end. he smiled reassuringly, "i'll see you tomorrow, i hope?" he asked hopefully, but you heard a slight nerve to his voice, and you saw the three behind him burst into a fit of giggles. his face reddened, and you mimicked his reassuring expression. "i'd love that." with that, he waved and slipped off the train, who you would later find out to be his siblings, followed in tow.

the loss of his presence brought back a sudden overwhelming feeling, but you closed your eyes, picturing peter and repeating his comforting words in your head, and you felt the tension in your muscles relax. you were the next stop, you could make it. you found yourself lost in thought, and before you knew it, you were stepping off the station, head facing the ground, and making your way back to your house.

the next day, you faced the same anxious feeling suffocating you as you sat with your head leaning against the window, your bag tucked neatly under your seat. it was only when the doors to the next station opened, that your gaze turned, your eyes meeting with his beautifully blue ones. smiles illuminated both your faces, and your worry was suddenly forgotten.

and just like that, you found yourself sitting with the boy every day and night on the train, and very quickly you learned, you didn't actually hate taking the train nearly as much as you once thought.

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