attraction [d.m] - 12.15.19

551 4 0

word count: 1499

pairing: draco malfoy x granger!reader

warnings: n/a


draco malfoy was far from a traditional wizard in attendance at hogwarts. he held a certain power over others; a title he was given by blood. he was superior, and that was one thing he had always known. everything in his life was set for him, and due to his family's powers and riches, anything he wanted, was already his. he had witches and wizards falling at his feet by first year, some searching for friendship and power, some looking for a relationship. but none of them peaked his interest.

unlike the one at the train station. it started in his first year at hogwarts. it was finally time for winter holidays; a time where he could finally escape the madness that was his school, and the disgusting amount of blood traitors and muggleborns he was forced to see on the daily. as he was stepping off the grand train that took him between homes, he saw their beautiful h/c hair, and stunning e/c eyes for a split second, before losing them in the crowd. he was intrigued, he hadn't recognized them and since starting hogwarts, had a strange sense of excitement. he searched, briefly, before he was spotted by his parents, for one last glimpse at the person who he'd been itching to know. giving in, he met with the malfoys, returning to the manor for the break.

when he was returning to hogwarts after that very break, he spotted them again, beginning to make his way over to introduce himself, only to be pushed and yell "watch it!" to whoever was passing. when he turned, the person he was looking for had disappeared. when he returned to school, he made it a mission to find said person. as far as he now knew, they did not attend hogwarts, which meant they were likely not a wizard/witch, but must have been related to one. the thought of a non-magical being plaguing his thoughts made a shiver run down his spine. and that was that.

still, every time he was forced to enter the station, he found his eyes lingering in the crowd, looking for someone in particular. he convinced himself long ago that it was only to scowl in their direction, treating them as they deserved. he found a strange comfort in that fact, and though throughout his school years felt childish, he had drilled it into his head from age 11 and it had become an addiction routine, one he couldn't seem to break.

you see, during draco's early years, his mother had taught him that should he ever feel an immediate pull to someone, he should follow it. it was a stupid concept to him at the time, really; soulmates were one of the rarest (and in his opinion, most ridiculous) concepts known to the wizarding world. very few were lucky enough to experience it, though everyone had a potential soulmate, not many every found their lovers. narcissa made it very clear that no matter the circumstances, if he were ever to feel a pull to a stranger or to someone he never thought he would; he was to follow it.

so now as he stood before the train one last time, he felt his eyes dancing over the crowds, as usual. they had just come back from their final year at hogwarts, after the war. most of his year was spent in solitude at the school, though few students forgave him, he wanted to finish his school just as much as the rest of his year. he managed; he was never too fond of social interactions anyways. it was better to be alone.

a small tinge pulled at his heart as he stared at the great big transport for what he felt would be the last time. a sudden overwhelming urge to turn his head to the left washed over him, and confusedly, he did so. and when his eyes fell upon the person he'd spent so many nights dreaming of, he huffed and pushed his way through the crowd; this time not making the mistake of taking his eyes off of you.

you were catching up with your sister, hermione, when your head began to feel light, and you subconsciously turned your head to the right, seeing a beautiful blonde man seemingly approaching you. you internally laugh at yourself; as if a wizard like him would want someone like you. powerless, ugly. you were nothing next to your sister, and everyone knew it. you and hermione began making your way out of the station, before a deep voice yelled "wait!" and came running after you both.

you turned in confusion, seeing the blonde boy standing before you, his tie slightly undone from running and his hair spread messily. you furrowed your brows, looking to hermione, who looked just as confused as you. "draco? is there something i can help you with?" she asked politely, though she seemed slightly uncomfortable by the name. that's when it clicked, this must be draco malfoy; the boy who tormented hermione since her first year at hogwarts, calling her horrible names due to her non-magical family.

suddenly, you stepped slightly closer to her, feeling very protective of your sister. she seemed to notice however, and gave you a reassuring smile. had you missed something?

"uh, maybe.. kind of, i suppose. i came to see you." the last word was directed at you, and you blushed profusely, choking on the air you were inhaling. "m-me?" you asked, unbelieving. he nodded, and looked to hermione, whose jaw was nearly on the floor. "what is it you want with my sibling then, malfoy?" she asked, more curiously than defensively. he sighed, ready to embarrass himself fully. if it meant talking to you, then so be it.

"mother said if i ever were to find someone and feel drawn to them, as though we were connected; i must speak to her. say, h-have you.. do you believe in soulmates, granger?" you had never seen hermione look so confused at something in your life. she was a know-it-all, down to every last detail. now however, she was clearly at a loss for words. you made a mental note to congratulate draco afterwards, as you had never in all your years been able to accomplish that.

it was only then that you realized what draco was implying. did he think you were his soulmate? you had a hard time believing in magic as is, and now you were finding out that soulmates were not only real, but yours was potentially right in front of you? "you think my sibling is your soulmate?!" she finally managed, and you took the time to analyze the boy. strangely, though you'd never met him, you felt like he was someone you could trust and confide in at the drop of a hat. considering the stories hermione had informed you of over the years, you definitely should not feel as safe as you do around him, but there was something almost calming about his presence.

hermione was about to say something again, before you stepped forward, interrupting her. "i don't think we've formally met. i'm y/n granger." you stuck out a hand, and he smiled, gratefully accepting it. "draco malfoy, though something tells me you already knew that." hermione looked highly uncomfortable, and spotting ron, she quickly dismissed herself and ran off to meet him, not that you nor draco paid much attention to her departure.

"i hope i didn't scare you too much, what with all the soulmate talk." he started, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "oh, you most certainly did." you teased, and he tensed, before seeing your silly expression and relaxing. "i must say, you've piqued my interest. i'm not a magic expert, though, i'd love to hear more about it." you smirked, and he glanced over your face, looking for any sign of a lie. he found none. "well-" he started, but hermione once again interrupted. "y/n, we need to go now." she sounded sorry, clearly seeing the genuine happiness on her sibling's features.

you frowned, turning to draco. "you know, i suppose maybe i could explain it to you over tea sometime?" he asked hopefully, a smile gracing his features. you smiled back excitedly, "i would like that." he gently picked up your hand, pressing a feather-light kiss to your knuckles. "i shall send your sister an owl with the details, until then, love." with that, he winked, and walked away, leaving you a blushing mess. "love?" hermione was practically wheezing in laughter, and you only rolled your eyes in response as the two of you made your way to your parents' car. "shut up." "i can't believe you're going on a date with draco malfoy!" you smiled softly at the mention of his name, and hermione caught notice. "do you really think he could be your soulmate?" she asked softly, and you sighed dreamily. "yes, i do."

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