8 letters [d.m] - 07.09.19

544 7 1

word count: 577

pairing: draco malfoy x reader

warnings: n/a

a/n: inspired & written to 8 letters by why don't we.


draco stared up at the ceiling of his dorm, allowing his thoughts to roam wild. he was scared; that was the one thing from his racing mind that he could decipher clearly. though it felt like thousands of clouded thoughts were pulsing through his head at once, there was a common factor to all of them. a certain person had corrupted his mind, them being the only thing he could think about for the past few months they'd spent together. that certain person, was you.

you'd always been apart of his life, ever since that first day on the hogwarts express. he would never forget the snarky remarks you made towards him and his 'high and mighty' attitude. the memory made him smile, and looking back, he couldn't believe where he'd found himself now. somehow, over the years, the hatred he had for you turned into something else, a newfound appreciation for your constant bickering and before he could process it, you'd formed an unbreakable friendship.

what he felt for you was something he'd never felt before. sure, he'd found girls attractive. you were so much more than that though. you were kind, brilliant, sympathetic, and you didn't look at him like he was a monster. he'd never opened up to someone like he had to you, he wasn't sure when but somewhere along the road he'd began to confide in you. one secret turned into several, and before he knew it, you knew everything. every insecurity, every lie he'd ever told. you very quickly became his rock; his home. the only person he could trust and show his emotions to without being judged.

he knew what he felt. he knew he'd never feel this way for anyone else. you were one of a kind, there would never be anyone like you for him. that was what scared him.

draco was in love with you, there was no doubt in his mind. but he couldn't tell you. the two of you had known each other for so long, and he was sure you didn't feel the same. even if you did, with everything with voldemort, he couldn't put you in that sort of danger. he couldn't lose you, not after everything he'd gone through with you. without you, he wasn't sure what he could do. it may have been selfish, but he needed you alive.

he sighed, his eyes gazing over the old-style detailing of the dorms. his eyes slowly began to flutter shut, a picture of you slowly forming in his mind, laughing at one of his jokes. the corners of your lips pulled up gracefully as the beautiful sound left them, your eyes lighting up at the joke. the smile resting on draco's was automatic, as his body slowly fell into a deep sleep, the same person taking over his dreams.

he wished he could hold you, tell you how he felt. cradle you in his arms every night as you fell asleep, brushing your hair gently out of your face as you doze off. he wanted to kiss your forehead gently while you wrapped your arms around his middle, swaying you slightly. he wanted to wake up to your beautiful smile, your sleepy eyes that always gave him butterflies. but he would never be able to do this. all because he couldn't bring himself to tell you those three words.

if all it is is eight letters, why is it so hard to say?

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