Small Moments (Colonization Era)

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Chibi!Kasa : *eats canned meat while sitting on top of a hill, staring at the horizon*

Netherlands : *walks up to the hill* "Bloemen Lands, where are-" *spots her* ""

Chibi!Kasa : *chokes and hides the can* "H- hI NeD! Watcha doin' on top of the highest hill in Kasanang?"

Netherlands : "Correction, Bloemen Lands. And I could say the same for you, why did you escape again?" *slowly walks to her and folds his arms, face looking down with a stern expression*

Chibi!Kasa : "Ahaha... *sighs* sorry Ned, I just want to escape the chaos your troops created with my citizens this morning" *eyes him with furrowed brows*

Netherlands : "Grow up Bloe- um.. Kasanang, this isn't the first nor last time things like this would happe. You have to learn and adapt"

Chibi!Kasa : "Qant duke!* I should fight, not flight!"

(*Chicken shit)

Netherlands : *sits down beside her and joins her gaze at the sunset* "I know this is unnecessary and a waste of my time to ask, but.. Do you hate me that much?"

Chibi!Kasa : "No, why should I? Seeing your pissed off face is what makes me happy, not making myself angry at you." *slowly grabs the can of meat and continues to eat from it*

Netherlands : *mentally face palms* "... I won't comment on that, but dank je*"

(*Thank you)

Chibi!Kasa : "Jor plesqe*"

(*You're welcome)

Netherlands : "Can you speak Dutch for once? It feels a bit inappropriate for you to speak Kasanian in front of me"

Chibi!Kasa : "But I'm sitting next to you, so that doesn't count" *finishes eating the canned meat*

Netherlands : "You-"

"Seeing your pissed off face is what makes me happy"

*trying to hold in his pissed off face*

Chibi!Kasa : *glancing at him and snickering at how angry he probably is*

Netherlands : "I'm not playing your games anymore" *hands her a can of tuna* "So take this and let's go back to the mansion"

Chibi!Kasa : "Only if you promise that you won't try to kill and eat Spaghety the jellyfish again"

Netherlands : "Deal" *mentally crosses his fingers*

Chibi!Kasa : *takes the can and stands up* "I knew you were gonna say no. Oh well, let's go" *skips happily down the hill, grin on her face and canned tuna wrapped tightly between her arms*

Netherlands : ("Maybe I should just start to bribe her with free food every now and then") *stands up and follows vehicle shortly after*

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