Netherlands Colonization Era (In a nutshell)

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Sorry if it's not historically accurate or funny, my sense of humor isn't something to look up too

But uuuhh enjoy anyways!


Chibi!Kasa : *sneaks into Netherlands room at night with a knife in hand*

Netherlands : *still asleep*

Chibi!Kasa : *slowly tiptoes to the side of his bed*

Netherlands : *slowly wakes up at the sound and gasps at the sight of Kasa*

Chibi!Kasa : aww man you're awake.. maybe next time! *walks away and out the room*

Netherlands : .... What the fuck just happened???!!


Chibi!Kasa : *kicks Netherlands office door open* Hey Ned where  in the world is everyone? Nobody's at the market or even town square

Netherlands : *sighing and rolls his eyes for 45th time today* Haven't you heard? I put them all to work at the fields for the next few weeks

Chibi!Kasa : wHaT??!! Without MY permission?!!

Netherlands : well technically you're under my control so I have the rights to-

Chibi!Kasa : aight, ima head out. And don't feed Spaghety to your guards!

Netherlands : Kasanang wai-! God that child is a pain sometimes... And that 'Spaghety' creature is just a jellyfish anyways...

Chibi!Kasa : I can still hear you!

Netherlands : well I'm not sorry, GUARDS! Catch her and lock her in her room... again...

Chibi!Kasa : ffffffudgeballs *naruto runs out the house*


Chibi!Kasa : hey Ned

Netherlands : *casually drinking coffee while reading newspaper* what is it this time?

Chibi!Kasa : *flips him off* one of your soldiers said to do this to the people you hate

Netherlands : ...... I don't know if I should either chase you or him down right now.


Chibi!Kasa : *furiously poking his arm* Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned-

Netherlands : wHat??

Chibi!Kasa : nothing, I just wanted to annoy you

Netherlands : *chases her off with a newspaper as a whacking stick*

Chibi!Kasa : *running and laughing her ass off*


Chibi!Kasa : Hey Neddyland

Netherlands : it's "Netherlands" but anyways, what do you want?

Chibi!Kasa : *shoves a letter on his face and quickly runs out*

Netherlands : hey, what the heck is-! *peels the letter form his face and reads it*

"Dear Neddyland,

Today's crismes time right? I heard people give gifts to their family or somethin, I forgot.

But anyways, I wanna give you this cuz you're technically my adoptive dad sooo.

Marry Crismes! And thanks for feeding me and putting up with me for 7 years, must be hard huh? Believe me, I know how annoying I am.

Did I spell marry crismes correctly? I only heard it from your people so I don't know how to spell it.

By the way can I have meatballs for dinner? The one I stole from your guards were delicious yesterday.

Sincerely, Kasa"

Netherlands : *stares at the letter for a while and lets out a small laugh* there's so much things that are wrong with this letter, but for now I'll prepare meatballs for dinner.

Kasanang (My Hetalia OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora