Breaking Point {Part 2}

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There was only one thing that could frighten the people of Small Heath more than the Peaky Blinders, and that was a frustrated Elizabeth Gray

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There was only one thing that could frighten the people of Small Heath more than the Peaky Blinders, and that was a frustrated Elizabeth Gray. The petrifying woman was practically radiating anger as she strutted towards The Garrison clutching a small, white envelope. The note seemed so innocent, yet the truths it withheld were blood churning for the older woman, and she needed to release the storm swirling within.

The pure force of her entrance sent even the boldest of men cowering away in the booths of the reasonably quiet pub. Thankfully for them, Polly didn't even linger in the main area, and instead barged straight into the noisy Shelby compartment. The five boys peered up in shock as the usually composed woman began yelling with reckless abandon; she didn't care about making a scene.

"She's fucking gone, and it's all your fault. You fucking drove her away from this family, and now you've lost both of your sisters." Her deadly shouts were aimed at Arthur, Tommy and John who sat upright and confused in their seats, their eyes locked onto their Aunt. Michael and Finn seemed taken aback by her outburst; it was rare she'd get in such a state.

Tommy placed down his empty glass with a calculating expression, "What are you talking about Pol?" As far as he knew, Elliana was still at home, working in the betting shop. Although, he hadn't seen her since she left The Garrison in tears the previous day.

Dramatically, Polly chucked the letter across the table, allowing the sheet of scribbled font to land face up, "Elliana's left. She's gone for good. Read that fucking letter out loud, you all need to hear it."

Carefully, Tommy followed the orders and reached out to pick up the crumbled sheet. It was clear it had been written in a rush as the writing was slightly difficult to read,

"Dear Aunt Pol,

I'm sorry to tell you this in a letter, but I have to leave Small Heath. I don't belong here; you and I both know it. By the time you're reading this, I'll be long gone, and I can't tell you where I'll be going. I need a fresh start away from this family, although I'm sure my presence won't be missed. I will miss you Aunt Pol, but please don't be upset. This is what's best for all of us. You mustn't blame my brothers, it isn't their fault at all, I just need a change of scenery. Please look after Finn for me, and maybe I'll see you again one day.

All my love, Elliana x"

A harsh silence fell upon the group as Tommy's cold words trailed off. Every single one of the boys felt guilty, and Finn was absolutely distraught. Michael however saw this as his opportunity, his chance to raise his claim to the business, without Elliana watching his every move. Nothing that any of them could say would bring their sister back. They'd had their chance, and now it was too late.


3 Years Later

As soon as her key twisted in the door, Elliana could hear the familiar barks of her dogs from inside her cottage, causing her to laugh in anticipation. She had grown fond of her new routine; she'd go to work at the accountants down the street in the day and then in the evening Elli would return home to her excitable companions. Then usually, she'd take them for a walk along the beachfront, allowing her to witness the beautiful Margate sunset.

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