The Thorne Sister - J.S

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Florence Pugh as Elise Thorne

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Florence Pugh as Elise Thorne

Elise couldn't stop her bloody hands from trembling as she hurried through Small Heath. Darkness had covered the town, but she still couldn't bring suspicion to herself by running. Instead, her heart pounded a million miles an hour as she stopped outside the Shelby's house, knowing that if they couldn't help her, nobody could. 

Mistakenly, she had put her baby blue gloves on in attempt to cover up the stains, but instead the crimson blood began seeping through the material, threatening to reveal her secret. 

Paranoid, her panicked head twisted rapidly, checking up and down the street to make sure nobody was watching her. It was only when the front door slowly opened did she stand still, more out of fear than anything else. 

With her brother down in London after he married Ada, Elise had nobody to turn to apart from the Shelbys. 

"Alright Elise?" John smiled coyly, leaning against the doorframe as his bright eyes analysed the shaken women before him. His expression turned to one of concern and he swallowed when he saw the blood on her gloves. 

"John, you have to help me please. I didn't mean to do it." Her voice was quiet and mysterious, and before she could say another word, Elise was pulled inside quickly before she could reveal too much on the street. 

"Tommy! Arthur!" John shouted, making Elise cringe as he pulled her towards the kitchen table. He gripped her hand tightly, squeezing it comfortingly as he waited for his brothers to appear. 

John knew he wasn't the brains of any operation, but he'd be willing to take whatever physical action Elise needed them too. When Freddie moved down to London, the Shelbys had promised to look out for his little sister, just as Freddie looked after Ada now they were married.

"What John?" Tommy responded, puffing out his cigarette smoke as he stepped firmly into the room. His presence never went unnoticed. A few moments later, Arthur came plodding down the stairs, leaning against the bannister to see what the commotion was about. 

When they saw how upset the younger Thorne was, they became more alert and moved cautiously over to the table, standing on the opposite side to her and John. 

"Carry on when you're ready." John muttered softly, pressing Elise to continue with her secret. She nodded slowly, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before she began, "I really didn't mean to do it. He just came at me and I shot and he got hit and there was blood everywhere and..." 

Stubbing out his cigarette, Tommy's eyes widened anxiously, pulling a chair out to sit opposite and at eye level with Elise as she shook beneath her thin jacket. "Who? Who did you shoot Elise?" 

She glanced up at the ceiling as she felt tears brimming in her eyes, "James, the boy I've been seeing." Elise stared up, looking between the three men in hopes that they could somehow dig her out of this mess. 

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