Blind - T.S

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Elizabeth Olsen as Megan Langdon 

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Elizabeth Olsen as Megan Langdon 

The bustling Saturday night atmosphere was an experience unlike any other. Everyone from the neighbouring streets would crowd into The Garrison, blissfully high on the knowledge that they did not have to work the next day. 

Couples and friends would swarm the noisy tables whilst the single ladies and gentleman would flirt excessively at the bar, whether it was their attempt to find true love or just a one night stand was anyone's guess. 

Usually, Ada would be celebrating another exciting weekend with her life long best friend, but Megan had refused to leave the house tonight, and her absence was dearly missed by many. No more than Thomas Shelby himself. 

As songs were bellowed throughout the establishment, the Shelbys were happy to be relaxed inside their compartment, which slightly concealed the pitchy undertones from the bar outside. With his brothers, Aunt and Esme, the conversation had veered towards a boxing fight Arthur had lined up, but Tommy remained uninterested. 

His main concern was why he was yet to see his sister and her best friend who always popped their heads into the compartment before they went to sit at the bar. It was pointless for Ada to try and flirt with anyone in Birmingham, since the Shelbys had set strict boundaries which everyone was wise enough to adhere to. However, her harmless chatter made her happy enough, so she ended up with more friends than she knew what to do with. 

Mid way through Arthur's speech, Tommy stood up firmly, deciding to head out into the main area to discover why the routine had been broken. With a quick mumble of, "I need to speak to Ada," he was gone. 

Arthur stopped his ramble, looking around knowingly at the others in the compartment, all of whom were thinking the same thing. "Gone to speak to Ada, my arse." John chuckled before knocking on the window for another round of drinks. 

Unlike any ordinary folk, Tommy didn't need to fight his way through the crowd because a small path cleared in whichever direction he headed. He immediately spotted Ada at the bar, surrounded by a content group of men and women all downing various shots and beverages. The Shelby sister turned quickly when she heard her brother calling her name, and gracefully slid off the bar stool with the help of a man nearby. 

"What's up Tom?" She shouted in his ear anxiously as Tommy led her towards a slightly quieter area in the pub. Nowhere was quiet, but at least they could hear each other a bit better.

As they turned to face each other, Ada could see a hint of concern in Tommy's eyes, which set her heart beat racing. The only thing she could think was that something bad had happened to one of the family. Thankfully, she had got the wrong end of the stick.

"Is Meg not out tonight?" He tried to ask with an air of carelessness, but Ada could tell he was worried. She struggled to hide the knowing smirk on her lips, but fortunately she kept a straight face and shook her head, "I couldn't make her come out tonight. She was so adamant that she couldn't face it." 

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