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DROOL WAS ON HER PILLOW, with her arm draping over her face

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DROOL WAS ON HER PILLOW, with her arm draping over her face. She was lying on her stomach on one of the beds in some on-call room where she had crashed the night before. She had been that tired to even turn around and lie on her back like she would normally do. It should be noted that Courtney Grey rarely slept on her stomach, because it made her boobs hurt too much, but there she was anyway. She had been on her feet all day, not taking a moment of rest. She needed to win this contest and she would do everything in her power to get whatever it was that the winner received. She wasn't going to give any time soon.

Her subconscious was giving her a vision of the future that she wanted. Even though she was lying by herself in an on-call room, dream Courtney was lying on the couch close to a fireplace with her head on someone's lap. They were going with their hands through her hair and Courtney looked really happy. The smile on her face couldn't be wiped away as she looked up at the person with nothing but love in her eyes. Dream Mark Sloan was looking back at her with the same look in his eyes, which made real life Courtney stir in her sleep with a small smile appearing on her lips.

She had to admit that she quite liked this dream.

Mark opened his mouth and out came words which she hadn't heard in a long time: I love you. Her hand reached for his, as she said it back in a soft voice. He leaned down to give her a kiss, but before their lips touched, a loud sound went off. The dream faded into nothingness as her pager continued beeping. Her eyes shot open as she let out a groan. The dream that had seemed so vivid was already getting more vague. The only thing that she could remember was her and Mark nearly kissing. She mentally cursed herself as her hands padded the floor beneath her, searching for that stupid pager.

"This better be good." Courtney muttered to herself as she got off the bed, almost falling out in her hurry. Her eyes scanned the message on the pager, letting her know that there was an ambulance coming with a patient.

Courtney rushed out the door, while putting her hair up. She bit on her lip as she thought back to the dream she had just had. She mentally berated herself from letting her brain take her there again. Ever since the blonde had figured that her feelings for Mark ran deeper than she had thought five weeks ago, those kinds of dreams had recurred every now and then. Should she have taken that as a sign to talk to him about how she felt? Definitely, but that didn't mean that she had. Those last five weeks, she had tortured herself by keeping it a secret and watching him flirt with other women, while she stood on the sidelines.

She couldn't blame him for living his life, because he had no clue how she felt, so why should he not keep living like he has? However, even though Mark was living his bachelor life to the fullest that didn't mean that he hadn't received the effects of his own feelings changing. Suddenly, the women that he kissed or slept with didn't satisfy him like before. He tried not to think about it as much and just moved on to the next women who he found partly interesting.

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