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IT HAD RAINED QUITE THAT NIGHT, IT SEEMED. Puddles of water splattered across the concrete ground. Not a spot was left dry. Courtney tried her very best to dodge the big puddles. Left, right, left, right. From afar it might seem like she was drunk due to the way she was walking. All of her hard (albeit a bit crazy) work went to waste when a passerby walked by. Not wanting to bump into them, one of her feet splashed into a big puddle. The part of her sock sticking out of her shoe got wet. A scoff escaped her lips. Her eyes closed for a second as she bit on the inside of her mouth.

"I hate rain." Courtney mumbled under her breath. She didn't like her clothes getting wet. Even if it was just a tiny bit. The feeling it gave her made her spine shiver.

With one wet sock, she walked her normal walk to the hospital, alone this time. Mark had stayed over that night, but Courtney had made them leave at separate times to keep up the ruse. She always came up with these elaborate plans that were way too detailed. Mark would then sit at the table, listening to her explain the whole thing with a smile on his face.

He found her really cute in those moments. Her blue eyes would shine brightly like the sun in the sky on a pretty day. She would pace before him, making gestures with her hands as she talked. It was the way that she spoke so passionately and full of fire that made him hang on to her every word. He could listen to her all day and not get tired of it. He did have to admit that he wasn't always such an attentive listener. During the times where Courtney got so lost into her own words, Mark would get lost in her beauty.

He never truly got enough of her.

The hospital got into her peripheral view. Courtney's hands were stuffed in her coat pockets, trying to warm them up. They were always quite cold; if Mark were around, he would put her hand he was holding into his jacket pocket to heat it up. Courtney let out a small sigh, looking down at her own hands. She should've just gone to work with him. Those mornings were always the most fun compared to the ones where she chose to go alone. Walking hand in hand with him so close to her made her heart flutter. Knowing that someone was listening when she was talking about god knows what was more than enough to make her day.

Why was she doing all of this?

Why did she make stupid plans to cover up her own relationship?

If only she knew the answers to those questions. Deep down, Courtney wanted nothing more than to show everyone just how much Mark Sloan meant to her. She wanted to hold his hand without pulling away when someone showed up. She wanted to kiss him without worrying if someone was around. Maybe, just maybe, she wanted to kiss his beautiful face when people were looking. She wanted to tell all the people swooning over him to suck it. He was hers and nobody else's.

The only thing she needed to do all of that was courage.

She needed a push, because she wasn't going to do it on her own.

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