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IT WAS THREE IN THE MORNING. Most of Seattle was asleep in their beds as time ticked by. They were certainly not walking around in their kitchen looking for a frying pan, like a certain blonde. Not only was she trying to locate a pan, she was also making sure that her phone didn't fall out of her hand. "I was so sure that I put it in that cupboard over there," Courtney Grey muttered to herself as she closed another cupboard. Her kitchen wasn't very big, unlike the one back at her old house. Her brain still hadn't adjusted to living in another house, so she kept opening the wrong cupboards, thinking that they were the right ones. "Where the hell did I put that damn thing?"

A yawn was heard through the phone, "What? What are you saying?" Paisley Suen was lying on one of the beds in an on-call room with her phone on speaker. She was too tired to hold it to her ear. She had been on a night shift and had wanted to go to sleep, when her phone had started ringing. She had promised herself that she would only be on the phone for a couple of minutes. That was about thirty minutes ago.

Courtney scanned the kitchen for the last time, when she finally found her frying pan. Apparently, she had put it next to the row of jars filled with sugar and other spices. The blonde grabbed it and placed it on her electric cooktop, while turning up the heat. "Huh? What did you say?" She asked, not having payed attention to what her friend had been saying.

The brunette laughed, rubbing the sleep in her eyes away, "I was asking what you were saying. What are you doing up so late anyway?" She glanced at her watch. For her, it was around 6 am, but she was ahead of Courtney by three hours. However, time didn't really matter for the two women. They simply called each other when they had time; if it was three am or seven pm, it didn't matter.

"I couldn't sleep. I tried to make myself fall asleep, but nothing I tried worked. So here I am at three in the morning, making myself some pancakes," Courtney explained, placing her phone down on the kitchen island and putting it on speaker as well. "How was the night shift?"

Paisley scoffed, "Absolute hell. I was puked on twice. Another resident stole my surgery. Remember the guy that I told you about? The one with too much gel in his hair? The one that keeps on calling me sweetheart? Yeah, it was that one. I despise the man, really. If only I could stab him with a scalpel. That's what I'll be dreaming of. Oh, I also got yelled at by an attending for someone else's mistake. It was not a fun night and I want to go home, but I can't. I have another surgery with one of the neurosurgeons in about three hours. Anyway, what about you? How are your interns?"

"If I had the time, I would fly over there to kick his ass," Courtney said as she grabbed the bowl with mixed ingredients. "I'm good actually. For now, I quite like my interns. They seem alright, but we'll see how they do once they actually start saving lives. I just hope that they're going not going to go around and cut LVAD wires and whatnot. I'm not ready to relive that again."

"I think nobody is. Richard would probably go nuts if that happened again. Seattle Grace really is a special place, huh? The most exciting thing that happens here in Cleveland is when the cafeteria menu changes. But honestly, I quite like the normality. It's really soothing and I recommend the place if you ever decide to move away out of dreary Seattle with the constant rain," Paisley joked. "I'm glad that you like your interns. And I'm sure that they won't go around doing stupid stuff. They're your interns after all and they probably already know that you will kill them if they do stuff like that."

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