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THERE WAS A WHOLE CROWD FOLLOWING BAILEY. Everyone — including Courtney Grey and her little group of interns — had gotten a page from her, saying that they needed to come earlier than normal. Nobody knew what they were there for though, but they listened nonetheless. The only one who knew what was awaiting them was Bailey, the woman at the head. Her steps were confident and had pep in them. With her hands in her pockets, she confidently continued walking with almost half of the surgical team behind her. Miranda would be lying if she didn't feel powerful in that very moment.

Courtney was walking somewhere in the middle with Alex right beside her. Her interns were right behind them, mingling with Alex's interns. They seemed to get along quite well. "This better be good. Do you know what I'm missing because of this?" Alex muttered, glaring a hole in the back of Bailey's head.

"You and me both", Courtney tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Who here doesn't feel that way right now? But here we all are. There's not much we can do about it. I'm sure she has something planned or else she wouldn't be acting this way. It's Bailey after all."

"The cookies were good though", Alex mentioned out of the blue, slightly confusing Courtney. The topic switch gave her a whiplash. "The ones on the table this morning? Didn't you make those? Anyway, if you made them or not, they were good. There were some with chocolate, but ones with strawberry? Blueberry?"

"Strawberry," She had recently gotten interested in trying out some baking. Most of the time she baked cookies, since that seemed to be the easiest to do. Mark liked watching her bake, having the time of his life while eating most of her ingredients. That time he had eaten about half of her batch of strawberry cookies. "Which were you favorite? That way I can make some more when I bake again."

While Courtney and Alex started talking about fruits and cookies, Peter Allen was looking at them with squinted eyes. "Should we do that too?" He asked, turning to his fellow interns and nodded his head towards the two residents.

"Do what? Bake cookies for each other?" Rebekah asked, momentarily stopping her conversation with Laura Drew — one of Alex's interns. Whenever the two intern groups merged each other, Rebekah and Emily always made sure to talk with Laura to give her some much needed girl time. Since she had to deal with men day in and out.

"I can't bake though. I can't even cook an egg." Emily smiled sheeply.

Samuel looked at her, "Wait, but who made that sushi then that you brought one time? That was so good?"

"Oh, my boyfriend made it."

"But you said —"

"Guys!" Peter pouted. "What I meant earlier, before you interrupted me: should we live together? Just rent a house together. Doesn't it seem fun? The four of us against the world!" The other three looked at him with disgust on their faces.

"Yeah, no thank you. I would only willingly decide to live Bambi 2.0 if hell froze over." Rebekah spoke up first glancing over at Samuel, who looked a bit offended.

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