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THEY HAD LEARNED FROM THEIR MISTAKES. After the disastrous skills lab from two weeks ago, the hospital had chosen to let them practice on computerised simulators. Courtney would never forget that moment. Whenever she ran into Dr. Hunt, she still couldn't get that image out of her brain of him stabbing the pigs one by one. She had been so very excited when she had heard that Dr. Watkins had needed her to assist that day, giving her a good excuse to skip the skills lab. (Also should be noted that Courtney and Mark had spent a big part of their night ranting and venting to each other about the trauma surgeon.) So, seeing a big computerised doll in front of her instead of pigs felt like a huge relief to her.

"How are the diaries? Feel closer to your mother yet?" Alex asked from beside her.

Courtney scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, "It's interesting to say the least. She might have been the world's worst mother, but she was one hell of a surgeon. I have to give her that. Does it make me see her in a better light? Not really. The woman I knew and the woman I read about in those journals seem like two different people to me."

Meredith and Derek had recently found more of their mother's old journals while they were cleaning up. The latter really wanted an office where he can come to rest and won't be disturbed by everyone in the house. Apparently there had been more than one journal. Ellis Grey had basically transcribed a big chunk of her life at Seattle Grace. Courtney had been a bit hesitant at first. However after some thought and talking with her sister, she decided to read them after all. 'Mom might not have been a lot of help to us, but at least Dr. Ellis Grey can teach us some things.' Meredith had said.

Together with Meredith and Cristina, Courtney was now going through the journals. They often had some night calls talking about what they were reading. It was fun to do and a new way to bond with her friends. However, her boyfriend thought differently. There had been some nights where she had kept him up and/or woke him up by being on the phone with Cristina and Meredith. He loved getting back at her and ended up saying her name loud enough to make sure that the other two on the other line could hear him. It had raised some questions from time to time. Luckily Meredith and Cristina were either too focused on the conversation going on or too engulfed in the reading. If they had heard, Courtney managed to keep all suspicion off of her, while putting a hand over Mark's mouth to stop him from making noise again.

He apparently found her extra attractive when she did that.

"How are things going with Izzie? Still living on cloud nine?" Courtney asked, while she saw George and Izzie walking into the room deep in conversation.

Alex nodded, "Mmmh, everything's still good. What about you?"


"Yeah, you, who else am I talking to?"

"I'm not dating anyone though." Courtney lied through her teeth, trying to keep her face straight. They still hadn't told people that they were dating, which was more Courtney's idea than Mark's. He had absolutely no issues against going public, but Courtney however...

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