Chapter 17

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(A/N sorry i didnt post yesterday but heres a part to make up for it. Sorry if you dont like this kinds of stuff but it had to happen. Anyways ill talk to ya later. Piece out vaniriousalliance :)<3 )

Jons POV-

I wake up with a cold but Evs doesn't have one. "Lucky" i mummble and cough. That seems to startle Evs enough to wake him. I look at him then i sneeze. "Now what did i tell you?" Evs says raising a eyebrow "That you love me" i say "yes, but thats not what i was looking for." "That if we didnt change we would get a co......" i mummble the last word "a what?" Evs said with a smirk "a cold" i say and i look down "well good thing is i get to take care if you. Now lets go get changed" Evs said as he grabs my hand and leads me to our room. He grabs me some pj's and him some also "alright you go change in the bathroom and ill change in here" i nod and grab my pj's and go into the bathroom and change. I knock on the door to see if evs was done "Hey evs you done changing" "yed you can come out now." I walk out and his shirt is off. I stop in my tracks and stare at him. "Hello earth to jon" evs said while waving his hand in my face. "O-oh sorry" i stuttered "you like what you see" evs said wile ge put his shirt on "mmhmm" i hum and nod "well you can have it when you're not sick" he said and looked down all sad. I couldn't resist myself i ran up to him and kissed him roughly. He kissed back and soon we ended up on the bed in a makeout session. I tug at his shirt and he pulls it off then he pulls mine off. Then he tugs at my pj bottems and he pulls them off and i doo the same to him and soon were both in our boxers. He stops and looks at me "are you sure your ready?" I nod and he pulls off his and my boxers and he fliped me over a enters he gave me a second to get use to it then he started thrusting hard. "Ohhhh E-Evan faster" i pleaded. "Jon im close" "me too" and we both came. He layed down next to me and i looked at him "im sorry i couldn't help myself but haha you sick now." I say "we will find that out tomorrow" he smiles "alright lets get our clothes back on so we wont get any worst than we are" Evs adds and we get up and get our clothes back on and then we go to the guest room "we can clean this up tomorrow" i say and smirk and we get to the room and lay down and cuddle. I look at my phone and i have a message from wildcat on my kik. I gave them my kik if they needed me if i wasnt on.

Tyler: hey dude can you play?

           No im laying down with my babe:me

Tyler:oh okay :( tomorrow?

                                                        Yeah sure:me

Tyler:alright see ya

                                             Bye see ya later:me

"Who's that?" Evs says "oh its wildcat" "what does he want?" Evs asked sounding kinda jealous "he was just asking if i wanted to play on xbox" "oh you can play if you want" "can you come with me because if you dont then i wont play i need you with me" i say "okay but for a little bit and i wanna play a little to" "yay let me text him" i kiss evs and i text tyler

                      Hey i can play for a bit now:me

Tyler:okay im on bit the rest

Of the guys arnt if thats fine

with you

                           Yeah totally it will be fun:me

Tyler:also i need to tell you

My gay

Okay cool and you know i am to right?:me

Tyler:yep alright see you on

Me and evs get out of bed and get on xbox and wildcat invites me to a party so i talk and let evs play. He sits down and i sit in his lap and he joins the party "hello there jon" evs looks at me and whispered "thats my name for you!" I look at him and have a sad face and lip sorry "jon you there?" "Yeah yeah im here just doing something" "oh okay what do you wanna play" i look at evs and he said GTA "GTA" "okay lets go"

Time skip to where Evs whats to go to bed-

"He tyler i think im gonna go to bed" "yeah me to but can i tell you something" "yeah sure what is it?" "Uhh ummmm i l-like you" i sit there it shock and evs screams "OH HELL NO" "whos that?" "IM HIS MAN!" "oh shi-" and he left the party. I just stood up and put the headset down and started paceing around the room and i put my hand on my head "no no no this no" i keep whispering to myself. My phone goes off and its tyler. I dont bother looking at it i just throw my phone at the couch and i fall to my nees and put my head in my hands. "Jon are you okay" "of course im not tyler just said that to me and just speechless." He grabs my phone and texts tyler

Evs POV-

Tyler:look jon that came out wrong i didnt mean to do that to you

Hi its evan and the best thing for you to do is to leave him alone....and dont call him jon thats my thing

Tyler:you know what why wont you just get out of the picture

Why wont you come say that to my face

Tyler:okay i will meet me downtown at the shoe store then we can settle that there

Okay fine tomorrow at 2:00pm better not back out of this

I stand there and stare at jons ohone and i put it back on the couch and i go a hug him "we should of stayed in bed" jon says. I grab his arm a drag him to the guest room. "Lets just stay here for a while and stay off xbox for a bit okay?" "Okay"he says as he puts his head on my chest and i can feel a smile creep across my chest. I pull him close to me and we fall asleep.

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