Chapter 7

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Jonathans POV-

I wake up in my old house but im tied to a chair my face hurts my nose is bleeding and i have duct tape over my mouth. The i hear the door break open "SKYLAR WHERE ARE YOU BEAUTIFUL!!" i know that voice from anywhere.Its Evan. Skylars looks at me "looks like your boyfriend is going to be mine" she said with a evil grin "where up hear Evan in my room" she said and she quickly put on a slutty dress and put on some make up. Evan walks in and looks at me and winks. I raise a eyebrow and tilt my head. He lips "i have a plan" and turns around and shows me the blade hidden in his jacket (A/N its like assassin's creed) skylar turns tord Evan and says "looks like you wanted me after all" "i guess i did" he said. She walks up to him and puts her hands around her neck and he puts his hands on he waist and Evan turns her back tords me. Evan is making hand gestures but i couldn't figure out what he was trying to say. "Lets see how we can torture Jonathan?" Skylar said. She push Evan against the wall and kissed him. I get the duct tape off my mouth and yell "EVAN NOW!!" and he stabs her in the stomach.

Evans POV-

"I warned you once you son of a bitch, i told you to leave us alone but you didnt seem to listen. Heres your consequence" i say and i drop her and run to Jonathan and untie him. His hands and feet were asleep and he couldn't walk so i had to carry him but before we left the room Jonathan said "wait i need to say something to her." I walked over to skylar and i set him down next to her "looks like you cant have him bitch. Also Evan can you come down here please" i was confused "sure" i bend down to Jonathans level. He kisses me and i kiss back "f-fuck y-you" skylar spit out. We didnt listen and we were still kissing. Skylar kicked Jonathan really hard with the rest of her strength and he screamed loud. I slowly turn my head tords her and she starts to back up slowly. "You just done fucked up missy!"i say as i pick her up and throw her up against the wall and i put my arm on her chest. I punch her nose and shes K.O. i pick up Jonathan and start walking to our car. Once we get there Jonathan jumps out of my arms "i could walk the whole time once you picked me up the second time" he smiled and laughed and got into the car. I get into the car also and i look at him and start to cry "Evan, whats wrong?" He says "whats wrong? I almost could of lost you!" He said. I huged him and start to cry "Evan its okay here we are" i say. "how did she even get into our house?" He said "i dont... i dont know?" I say "well lets get home so i can clean you up!" He said and he turns on the truck amd starts to drive and i fall asleep

Jonathans dream-

I wake up tied up to a pole in the middle of nowhere. I have cuts on me from left to right. I hear somthing from down the ally. I try and talk but nothing comes out. Oww my throat hurts. I look up and see Evan. "I see you have woken up" i look at him "oh i forgot you cant talk anyways i brought you here to kill you" i freak out and i make myself talk "why Evan i thought you loved me?" "Pshhh i only did this so the sluts at school would stay away from me anyways im going to kill you now" "NO EVAN PLEASE DONT!"

Evans POV-

Jonathan was fast asleep and i was driving down the rode just reading the signs and listening to music but at low volume. Then i look over at Jonathan and he is shaking. He mumbles "why Evan i thought you loved me?" "I do Jonathan why would yo-" i was cut off to Jonathan screaming "NO EVAN PLEASE DONT" i jump and i wake him up and he jumps also "hey what were you dreaming of?" I say conserned "it was the worst nightmare ever.... and you were in it trying to kill me" he said in a shakey voice.  "Well i hope you know i would never do or even think of doing that to you ever" i say. He just says "okay" and looks outside of his window.

Time skip at home-

We get home and Jonathan beat me to the door. "Hold on there flash" i say. "Could you hurry she wouldn't let me go pee" i speed up a little and open the door and Jonathan flies in and goes to the bathroom.

I just chuckle and get our pjs ready for the night. He walks in and he already cleaned his face up so he takes his pjs and changes and i do the same. We both layed down and looked at each other "its been a long day hasnt it?" I say "oh yes it has, i think when we fall asleep we need to hand cuff our selfs to each other" he said with a cute chuckle i grab his wrist to pull him in but he flinches and pulls back "oww" he said "oh my im sorry i uhh umm-" i was cut off by him kissing me "i missed you so much today and i was scared idk what i could do with out you" Jonathan says "me either" i say and i pull him in by his waist "ow Evan she kicked me there remember" "it seems like i cant do anything right now" i sigh he scoots in and digs his head into my neck "i love you Evan bear" he said with a little laugh but he couldn't laugh hard or that would hurt him "i love you to jonathan bear" i say and i make sure i am holding on to him to were if someone tried to take him they would have to go through me.. litterly. We were both soon fast asleep

(A/N hey guys what did yall think. Finally that bitch is gone forever lets all say did you say woo? anyways thank yall so much for reading this it really does mean alot to me and i want to give a special thanks to Dially and Toby yall are awesome and thank you for being here from the start. Anyways if yall want more comment or message #SkylarIsDead:) make sure you add that smiley face. Ill talk to yall later piece out :)  <3 )

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