Chapter 16

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Jon POV-

So Evs was up and he heard everything. He told me to not listen to scotty but its hard no to. His voice keeps going through my head. For all we know he could be a murderer. And i hate gays. "Hey Evs i gotta use the bathroom" "okay well hurry up" "okay" i get up and go to the bathroom and lock the door. I look in the mirror. Your so ugly Evan doesnt like you a voice said "what? Im confused there only here when skylar was why are they back?"

I told you retard we can't leave you you were chosen by us

But why are you here

Because we like to get you when your weak

I try and shake them off so i splash some watter on my face. I open the cabinet and i pick up my old friend. Im tempted to cut once but i cant but before i knew it the razor and my wrist made connection. I drop the razor "what am i doing?" I whispered. Then i hear a faint knock at the door "Jon are you okay?" "Y-yes im fine ill be out in a second" "okay well hurry up im lonely" i pick up the razor and throw it in the toilet and flush. I clean my wrist and put a bandage around it. I unlocked the door and i see Evs just sitting there waiting for me "well finally" he said and grabs my wrist and pulls me into a kiss i flinch from the pain but i kiss him. He stops "whats wrong did i do something wrong?" "Oh no no my wrist has been hurting me lately" "oh sorry" he said as he let go fast "its okay you didnt know.... but tomorrow can go somewhere? " "yeah like where?" "Uhhh hmm what about the mall so we can get us some new stuff" "alright we will go as long as i get to stay with you" i smile and peck his lips and run and he chases me. We are in the kitchen and im on one side of the island and hes on the other. "You cant get me" i tease him "wanna bet" he said with a smirk "yes i do want a bet" i look around for my escape and i see the back door. So i run to it and run out to the backyard and he follows. Im running and i can hear Evan behind me "you cant run forever" Evs said "yes i can" i say and laugh i look behind me and not paying attention and i fall into the pool. Evan stops and laughs "help" i say and im gasping for air i didnt expect to fall in the deep end. Evan stops laughing and jumps in and grabs me and swims to the side and puts me up there. Im coughing and i lay down. I start crying but i dont know why. Evan get out and holds me "shhhhh its okay, but i got you so i get a prise" i look down at my hands and there shaking the i look at my wrist and the cut is visible. I hide my hand really fast then look at Evan and his face is pale. "Evan are you okay?" "More importantly are you?" He said as he grabs my hand "i though you said you wouldnt do this ever again" "i know i know but the things scotty said got to me before you told me to not listen to him. Im sorry" i get up and run inside and lock myself in the guest room and start balling. "Im sorry Evan i didnt mean to"

Evans POV-

Jon run inside and i follow but i didnt run i walked. He locked himself and inhear "im sorry Evan i didnt mean to" and he is just sobbing i knock and he gets up and unlocks the door and cracks it open a little bit "w-what?" "Can i come in?" He opens the door and turns around and just plops on the bed and cries even more. I sit next to him and pull him close to me again "Jon its okay you didnt mean to" i hoped "i didnt it just happend and i flushed the razor down the toilet." I just kiss his forhead "its okay".......about 5 minutes later he starts to shiver. I forgot we are wet from the pool. "Hey lets go and get changed." "No i wanna stay here like this for a little longer" "but if we do your gonna get sick" he looks at me with puppy dog eyes "fine 5 more minutes" he kisses me and that reminds me that i got him. "Oh yeah jon i got you" he looks at me "okay then what do you want" i lay down a pull him to me and start kissing him then it turned into a make out. He stops and looks at me "whats wrong?" "Nothing i just needed air" i smile and chuckle. I pull him to me and hug him tightly. Then we just fall asleep.

(A/N so guys should i do this? You know what im talking about it almost happend in the story. If you enjoyed please leave a comment. Talk to yall later piece out vaniriousalliance :) <3 )

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