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Lucia sucked in a deep breath as floated in the air, trying to keep herself composed

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Lucia sucked in a deep breath as floated in the air, trying to keep herself composed. The onslaught of memories just wouldn't stop coming, but she welcomed them with open arms. With each one, she tried to remove the memories attached to it, but it was hard. 

A lone tear trickled down her cheek because with this - she knew what would have to happen. There is only one way that the Resistance could win this war - and that was without her. Luke was right. This will kill her, but so many more in the process. 

"Lesson Two." She gasped hearing Luke's voice. He must finally have begun to train Rey despite all of his resistance. "Now that they're extinct, the Jedi are romanticized, defied. But if you strip away the myth and look at their deeds, the legacy of the Jedi is failure. Hypocrisy, hubris," he commented making her feet touch gently onto the ground. She put her hand to her heart trying to stifle the beating. 

"At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise, create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi Master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader." Her hands began shaking at hearing this story once more. 

Rey seemed confused, Lucia could feel it. "And a Jedi who saved him. Yes, the most hated man in the galaxy. But you saw that there was conflict inside him. You believed that he wasn't gone. That he could be turned," she stated earning a sigh from Luke.

"And I became a legend. For many years, there was balance.... and then I saw Ben. My nephew with that mighty Skywalker blood. And in my hubris, I thought I could train him, I could pass on my strengths. Han was Han about it, but Leia trusted me with her son. I took him, and a dozen students, including Lucia, and began a training temple. By the time I realized I was no match for the darkness rising in him, it was too late for either Lucia or me to stop him." 

It wasn't just his words that brought Lucia to her knees, it was her own memory and finally knowing the other half of what happened that night. Her scar began to burn as she heard the small whisper of 'what happened' from Rey.

"I went to confront him. And he turned on me. He must have thought I was dead. When I came to, the temple was burning. He had vanished with a handful of my students. And slaughtered the rest. I found Lucia lying in a pile of her own blood barely breathing. Leia blamed Snoke, but it was me. I failed. Because I was Luke Skywalker. Jedi Master. A legend. I failed Lucia too that night. She was like another daughter to me and now she is barely holding herself together. 

"The galaxy may need a legend. I need someone to show me my place in all this. And you didn't fail Kylo. Kylo failed you. I won't. Lucia didn't either. She may not be together, but she is still a Jedi. Like her father before her and like you, the man who helped her learn to live again." There was a bit of a pause before Rey continued. "If you failed anyone, you failed sixteen-year-old Lucia - the one who needed you the most."

That's when Lucia's heart stopped beating. It was if everything finally clicked inside of her and all of those emotions she felt, just stopped. There was nothing and it felt odd, but for the first time, her mind wasn't racing.

She finally had tranquillity. 

Luke could feel it. It was if a rush of the force knocked him off balance. A small smile formed on his lips and now, now he had hope. He barely knew the girl in front of him, but the one being a recluse, something she learned from him no doubt, he knew her. He knew what she was capable of.

Lucia gasped and began to run down towards the falcon. It was such a quick and sudden change that made her worried. A storm raged on as she jumped off of the cliff, landing harshly on her feet.

"It is true? Did you try to murder him?" Rey screamed at Luke making Lucia stop. She barely could see what was going on through the storm. "Stop. Stop! Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren? Tell me the truth."

Luke sighed, not knowing Lucia was behind him. "I saw darkness. I'd sensed it building in him. I'd see it at moments during his training. But then I looked inside... and it was beyond what I ever imagined. Snoke had already turned his heart. He would bring destruction, and pain, and death... and the end of everything I love because of what he will become. And for the briefest moment of pure instinct... I thought I could stop it. It passed like a fleeting shadow. And I was left with shame... and with consequence. And the last thing I saw... were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him. And I tried, I tried so hard. Not just for my sister, but for Lucia as well. She had their child inside of her. I couldn't just let that all go. I couldn't kill him, but for her sake, I wish I did."

 "You failed him by thinking his choice was made. It wasn't. There is still conflict in him If he turned from the dark side, that could shift the tide. This could be how we win." Rey sounded so hopeful as Lucia finally made her way down to them. 

"This is not going to go the way you think," she stated making both of them look at her. "Ben is still there, but he won't turn. He's too prideful, Rey. You have to trust me when I say this. No one knows him better than I do."

Rey backed away from them. "It is. Just now, when we touched hands... I saw his future. As solid as I'm seeing you. If I go to him, Ben Solo will turn. He is our last hope and Lucia, I was hoping you would see that."

Luke went to call after her, but Lucia stopped him. Her heart hurting. The two of them had an intimate bond, but the jealousy feeling didn't creep up. The two Master Jedi's watched as she forced Chewie to leave the island. "Thank you, Luke. For trying to help me back then. I've just been so lost without you and Ben."

"I should have been there for you. That is my fault."

"Then you can be here for me now," She commented looking him dead in the eyes. "What is the one thing Kylo Ren won't expect?" 

Luke smiled. "You and I fighting as a team."

She smiled back. "Exactly. No one will ever expect it." She outstretched her hand. "Will you fight with me, Master Luke?" Her hand shook with anticipation as he grabbed her hand. 

"Of course. But she took my lightsaber. Guess Leia's will have to do," he commented before walking up the mountain. 

Lucia couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of her lips. The two of them needed a plan and quickly, but for now, they needed to learn how to fight as a team once again. They stood side by side as drones began flying at them. 

It was easy to remember how to fight side by side with him. The motions came fluidly as if they never left. All of this was exhilarating, Lucia's heart beating with excitement for the first time in ages. 

The Jedi before them would be proud.

note: another year has passed, another chapter. i apologize for the very, very long spaces between updates. let me know how you liked this chapter and hopefully the next one won't be so long :) ps, im not going to follow the movies exactly anymore. 

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