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Lucia stormed after Luke who was making his way down the mountain

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Lucia stormed after Luke who was making his way down the mountain. Rey decided to leave the two of them alone and retrieve the lightsaber. "Stop it! Just stop it, Luke! I know you still care!" she screamed before throwing the force at him. It made him stumble, but it was enough for him to whirl around.

The look in his eyes made her shiver.

"I don't. You think you know me, but you don't. I tried to stop all of this and look at what has happened? The galaxy is on the brink of destruction because of my mistake," he informed her wishing that the girl would just understand.

It pained him to see the girl she has turned into. One without emotions and full of rage. The girl he once knew, was gone.

"Tried to stop this? What do you mean by all of that? You've done nothing but cowar here on this mountain while we've been out there fighting. You remember your sister? She has more balls than you. She is out there commanding a fleet of people trying to stop the mistake that you created while you are sitting here doing nothing," she snarled making him sigh.

"That night where you lost your child and Ben Solo, I had tried to kill him. I sensed the dark side long before anyone thinks. I tried to use you to keep him on our side, but it was just too powerful. I tried to kill Ben Solo and he destroyed everything we ever worked for."

Lucia felt like someone had punched her in the gut. Everything that she thought just shattered into a million pieces. This whole time she blamed Luke for not trying hard enough to stop him when in reality he did but failed in the process.

Her voice was thick with tears and it pained Luke. "But you should have stayed, not walk away. We needed you, I needed you, Luke. I lost everything that night, but it seems like you don't care." And with that, she walked away to let him mope.

She felt like she was falling apart on the inside. It hurt to even just walk. It was a mistake for her to come here. To even think that Luke would have wanted to help. He was just pathetic. Her hero had saved the galaxy once before, but now he refused to do it again? Or even help her and Rey to do it themselves?

It made her sick.

It now was up to her to win this battle, but it doesn't seem like that was an option. She has tried to battle Kylo Ren over and over, but her angry usually got in the way. Lucia cursed herself for letting her emotions take over after Han had died.

She had a good thing going there and she wished that she stayed there. Lucia screamed in anger before punching the side of the mountain. The feeling of bones cracking traveled up to her elbow, but she couldn't feel the pain.

The young girl had become so numb to anything anymore that this was like a papercut. Chewie had followed the sound of her scream and found her leaning on the side of the mountain silently crying.

He saw the hand/wrist becoming blue and swelling and sighed. He picked her up, Lucia falling limp over his arms. As Rey started to train herself, Chewie patched up Lucia's hand. He tried making conversation with her, but she just blankly stared out the window.

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