Chapter twelve

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"Where should I start, there is so much crap." I say laying my head on the headboard.

"Start where ever you want." David says. I nod.

"Ok, I'll start from when I was put into foster care... I don't know my real parents. I don't even know what they look like. I don't even know if they are alive. I was told I was put in the system once I was born. They didn't even take the time to get to know me. Well, they did name me. Any who, I was in the system. From birth till I was six I lived with the Pattersons. They was the best. I still to this day think of them as my parents."

"Why don't you live with them anymore?" David ask.

"They died in a car accident. I was in the car too, but I was fine. Just some minor injuries."

"Is that where you got that scar on your face from?" Leyon ask.

"No, I'll get to that in a moment. When they died I was put in a group home from ages six to seven. That home wasn't the best. They didn't really take care of us. I got into lots of fights and stealing and hanging with bad people. I was a bad little kid. Then I was adopted by Andrea. I was with her from ages seven till thirteen. Those years is when my life took a turn for the worst. She was a junky. She would make me go to our neighborhood drug dealer and get her drugs. She would go to parties and get super drunk and high that I would have to drag her home. She brought me with her to those parties for that reason alone. She was a real hoe. She'll doing anything for money and drugs. It didn't matter what is was.

When I was ten, there was this guy that was selling her crack. She didn't have the money, but was still begging him to let her have it. Kept saying she'll do anything. He cut a deal with her. Said that if she lets him have me for one night then she can have it for free. She said yes without even blinking. At ten I knew what he meet. I've seen it happen to girls all the time when I was running the streets back at the group home. I told her no. That I don't want to be involved with her shit and she smacked me in the face. Said that I belong to her and I'll do whatever she says. I told her that I would tell my social worker and she didn't care. He got his time and I was true to my word. I told and at first my social worker believed me. But then somehow Andrea convinced her a was lying.

After that blew up in my face, things went on like usual. I did the cooking, cleaning. I was stealing food cause she wouldn't buy groceries. To top it off I was getting bullied at school. And  it wasn't just a little teasing here and there. I was getting jumped on a daily bases. My arm was broken once. My leg was broken once. I was push down stairs, and so much more. It was bad. That's why I don't take crap from people anymore. I use to be a big pushover. I would fight back, I tried to fight back, but it's hard when the whole school is against you.

When I was twelve is when I got these scar in my face from Andrea. That particular day, the bullies jumped me after school ended. I passed
out, and when I woke up it was night time. I was four hours late getting home. She didn't care. I still had to clean the house and wash the clothes. When I was washing the clothes, I made a stupid mistake. Somehow I got a red sock mixed in with the white clothes and turnt all the white stuff pink. She then decided to take a knife a carve this one my face. Making it deep enough to last forever." I didn't notice I was crying until Kevin took his thumb at wiped my tear.

"Dang, and I though my life was hard." Leyon says.

"It gets worst." I say.

"How can it get worster then this?" David say. 

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