Chapter seven

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"Kindness get up, time for school." Kevin says as he shakes me a bit.

"No, I don't wanta." I mumble as I continue to lay on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. He sighs.

"You have to. You wouldn't like to mess up your perfect attendance. Now open those eyes." I open my eyes and glare at him. He smiles and I can't help to smile back.

"You're turning me soft mister. You all are."

"That's a good thing. That means there is a heart underneath the ice." I scoff.

"Hardly." He shakes his head as I sit up.

"Keep telling yourself that. Now let's go ask Amy for some clothes for-" he cuts himself off and as he stares at my neck. Your hood isn't up doofus. My face goes blank as I try to think of a way out of this.

"What the fuck happened, and don't give me a smart ass remark ." He looks angry. He never looks angry. This is bad.

"There is nothing to worry about, I'm fine."

"Don't, you're not fine. Far from it. Who choked you? Better yet, who beats you up? Who stabbed you? Just tell me, please. I can help you if you let me try." Tell him. No.

"No, just leave it alone." I put my hood back on. His glare hardens.

"I well not!" His voice was raising by the second. He's going to wake everyone up. And I wasn't helping the fact cause my voice was raising too.

"Yes you well! Gosh, way do you care so much!" Both of our faces was inches apart. Both of our eyes was fuming.

"Cause I do! Why can't you except the fact that we care about you! I care about you!" My eyes was watering up from my increasing anger.

"Well you all shouldn't." Venom was dripping from my voice.

"And why the hell not." He became deadly calm also.

"Cause I don't deserve it." His eyes softens. He shakes his head furiously.

"No, everyone deserves someone to care about them and you are no exception. Kindness you're a wonderful person believe it or not. Stop letting people feed you crap that isn't true." He pulls me into a hug and I gladly except it. He kisses my forehead and warmth floods my body.

"Are you ever going to tell me?" I sigh as my head lays beside his neck. With my mouth facing his neck I can feel the tiny hairs stand up as I breath.

"Yes, but not anytime soon." I can tell relief flooded through him.

"Just... Just don't what until it's too late."

"Ok." My lips touched his neck as I spoke. Every time his body would shiver. Guess you have an affect on him. I smirk at that. Maybe you should repay the kiss. My smirk widens.

"Hey Kevin, didn't you kiss my forehead earlier?" He shivers again.

"Yeah, sorry, ohh, uhh, yeah." He's cute when he stutters.

"No hard feelings, it's just. I think I should pay you back." Before he can even respond, I brush my lips on his neck. Then lightly I plant small kisses up and down his neck. His grip on my tightens. I chuckle. "Thanks for letting me spend the night. Now you was says something about getting clothes form your sister for me." I pull away as he clears is throat.

"Oh, uhh, uhh, yeah, yes, I-I'll be right back." He rushes out the room as I hold back a laugh.

He comes back in about five minutes handing me a shirt and a pair of pants.

"Hurry up, we leave in 10." I nod and jog to the bathroom.

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