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We took a couple steps towards the door, I took a deep breath like I usually do before I meet new people. I watched as Alastor confidently put his hand on the door and pushed it open, upon entrance he threw his hands in the air in the air dramatically "Good Morning!" Alastor exclaimed causing me to jump in surprise I looked around and didn't see anyone . " um Al I don't think anyone is her-" a voice cut me off,as I looked around "Morning Alastor" said a demon that looked like a dark brown wolf with a white patch over one of her eyes,she walked on two legs and light brown,curly hair. I hid behind Alastor not on purpose but by reflex. "Aww and who is this little bean?" She cooed with a smile.

Alastor looked at me as if you expected me to know what to say. Hey soon as I realized he wanted me to introduce myself I did. " oh my name is (n/n)." I said putting out my hand for her to shake it. She took it her hands were really soft and warm and she smelled like coffee. " my name is Mia" she responded in a soft tone " now are you guys going to eat something or not?" She said in a sarcastic voice with her arms crossed.
I looked at Alastor and he looked at me. Then he turned back to Mia "I'll have one dark roast coffee, no sugar,no cream" Alastor said confidently with a grin. He turned around and looked at me. It was silent other than the radio static noises than barely sounded like jazz a instrumental. "Oh um could I have French toast please." I asked shyly. "Sure, one dark roast and French toast coming up! She said relived throwing her hands in the air. "I'll be back." She muttered as she walked into the staff only area.

We walked over to a table with two chairs and sat down. " so my dear, how did you end up in hell?" His voice breaking the silence and tension that was built up through the seconds. I started to sweat and my hands got clammy "I'm not sure,I think heaven made a mix up,I'm sure it happens sometimes."I say putting on a forced uncomfortable smile. He arched his eyebrow still grinning. "I saw that the joker is out in theatres and I was wondering if we could go and see it?" I asked trying to change the subject. " I suppose it wouldn't be trouble." He said as his grin got larger. After a couple seconds Mia walked over placing the syrup and French toast in front of me. She placed the dark roast in front of Alastor. As soon as she turned around I started stuffing my face with delicious French toast. I stopped to look at Alastor watched me intently while sipping his coffee.
"Isn't that like super hot!?!" I said worried. "When you live as long as I do you start to care less for pain." He said calmly with his signature grin.
I finished my French toast and Al finished his coffee. We started to walk towards the door, we waved Mia goodbye as we stepped onto the streets of hell. "To the movies!" I exclaimed dramatically pointing to the sky. Alastor chuckled the sound of jazz music was clear when he laughed.  "To the movies!"he exclaimed while doing the same thing I did,I smiled as we continued to walk the streets of hell.

Wow that was a workout to get out before midnight.

As you may have guessed this is the last update of 2019 :(

But don't worry I plan to update another chapter tomorrow ;)
Thank you for all the support an- oh my god we are almost at 100 readers that's crazy! Thank you guys so much.
And get pumped because the next update is a treat so ya.

Remember you are beautiful, and happy new year!
See you guys next year (aka tomorrow)


                                        Your optimistic author,
                                                           - Crier 

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