Welcome to hell!

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After falling for about two minutes I started to look at myself and my new demonic form, while in the air I noted that my legs now resembled a deer along with a small deer tail. While looking at the tail I noticed a pair of large black wings I flapped them as hard as I could to stop myself from falling. It worked for like ten seconds before I lost control and plummeted. I managed to glide about two feet in the air before landing on the sidewalk with a huff. I was trying to catch my breath when one of the demons that looked like a pink and white jackalope with white wings bumped into me but instead of apologizing she mumbled an insulting remark and walked away with growl.

I started to walk the streets of what I assumed to be hell. Looking at the tall towering building and billboards. I passed what looked to be a television shop that was broadcasting the local news station, apparently the princess of hell was attacking a news reporter for god knows what. I giggle to myself as I shake my head. I continue walking until I pass a large building with the words happy hotel written across it. I notice a figure staring at me through one of the bigger windows with a smile. For some odd reason I wasn't off put by him or uncomfortable. I cocked my head to the side and he did the same, I shot him a smile and continued walking, out of the corner of my eye I saw his smile get ever so slightly bigger in a warm and comforting way.

I continued walking for 30 minutes. I only stopped because of how dark it was getting I turned into an alley and sat down. The streets got less and less populated until there was almost no one there apart from the odd drunk or night owl. With nothing else to do I sang the lullaby my mom used to sing for me before I went to bed.

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine
You make me happy when sky's are grey
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you
So please don't take my sunshine away

I yawned and started to dozed off in the corner of the alley, the last thing I saw was a certain half drunk half sober whit-ish pink-ish spider demon take a long look at me then  he picked up the pace of his walking to the other direction. I didn't think much of it but little did I know the mess I was getting myself into.

Words: 447

Hello again I see you have returned to
Read more, thank you so much I hope your liking the book so far :)

I'm just going to give you a little spoiler 😈

The next chapter may or may not have a certain radio demon in it ;)
Guess you'll have read it to see :)

Feel free to comment you theory's as to what will happen next!
See ya :)

                                Your optimistic author,
                                          - Crier 

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