Chapter 7

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Graces p.o.v.

Dallas looked pissed. "Did he do this to you?" He asked quietly. The tears were threatening to fall. "Did he leave that bruise on your wrist?" He said a little louder. I still didn't say anything.

"DAMMIT GRACE DID HE LEAVE THAT BRUISE ON YOU?" He yelled As he picked me up roughly to my feet. I knew what my brother was capable of. I knew he would never hurt me but still. I nodded my head.

All of a sudden a sob broke out. Then I couldn't stop. Dallas brought me to soda and pony's room and lied down wrapping his arms around me on the bed as we cuddled. "Shhhhh baby girl it's ok." He whispered in my ear.

"Dallas he- he d-d-didn't mean t-to." I managed to choke out before falling asleep. I wish I was in bobs arms.

Dallas p.o.v.

That bastard hurt her. Why did I let her date that damn soc? I'm an idiot. One thing I must say is I'm getting back at him for this. Nobody hurts the baby Winston without revenge. She's asleep and I'm leaving her that way. I lock the door behind me. It's time.

Everybody came except for two bit, Johnny, and pony. Tonight that soc is gonna get what's been comin to him.

Bob p.o.v.

I should've listened to her. I feel horrible for doing that. I need to learn to control myself. All my boys were with family or their girls so I just drove around aimlessly. Maybe I should go back and apologize.

I drove to the park and went to sit on the bench. I had only had two sips out of my flask so I was barely buzzed. I quit drinking as much for her. But, I guess I pressed her to far. I melted and poured out our solid relationship. Maybe I'll confront her at school in two weeks.

"Hello bob." I heard a voice I recognize sneer. Then I realized that whoever it was had a New York accent, Dallas Winston. I shot up and ran around the fountain and to the car. I wasn't gonna fight the brother of the girl I love. She already hates me enough although, as much as I won't admit it Dallas Winston kinda scares me.

As I ran over to my car I felt a strong grip tighten around my neck and slam me into the light pole beside me. I groaned and shut my eyes in pain. "How does it feel to be hurt huh?" I heard a low, mature voice growl. Darrel Curtis. Oh no. Did it bruise where I grabbed her? It must've. I felt a fist connect with my left cheek. Damn that was a good hit.

"How does it feel huh?" I heard a voice yell. "Did you leave that bruise on her?" Another voice yelled. I finally opened my eyes. There stood Dallas, Darryl, soda pop, Steve were all standing there, looking pissed. They all were glaring at me and Darryl was the one that had me by the throat, close to choking me but not quite. He leaned close to my ear. "I know what you're thinking and no I'm not going to choke you to death because in everything you've done, for some stupid reason she still cares." He growled in my ear. "But there will be a nice bruise. Then Dallas came over and flicked out his switchblade and held it to my throat. "The next time I find out you come near my sister..." he snarled. "I will find you and slit your th- he was interrupted by graces voice, cold yet hurt and pained. "Dallas?" She croaked. I could tell she'd been crying.

"Babygirl what're you doin out of bed? I thought I locked the door." Dallas said softly. Dallas soft? Never thought I'd see the day. I don't blame em' though. He had one special little sis.

She chuckled bitterly. "I woke up and you weren't there and when I went to go into the living room, the door was locked and I realized what you were probably doing so, I crawled through the window." She sighed. "Will you please let him go and take me home?" She glared at me. Her eyes were full of hurt. Dallas sighed. "Ok baby girl." Before he walks away with grace he glared at me and his cold hard stare is back. "Bye soc and remember our little chat." He snarled. Darry let go. I don't want her to leave. I need to apologize. "Grace I'm sorry." I yell, rubbing my neck. She turns around and glares she looks so much like Dallas when she does that. "Don't." Was all she said.

Grace p.o.v.

I don't know why I care about him. He hurt me. I'm gonna have build back up my walls. I can't believe I ever let them down. When we got back home Johnny, pony, and two bit shot up. "When did you get out?" Pony said. Dal piped up. "Window." Everybody nodded their heads, understanding.

I sigh and go to bed. I chose a random door and later found out I was in darrys room. Just as I was falling asleep I felt a presence behind me. It was soda. He looked at me with sympathy. I hate sympathy. "Hey grace." He whispered. I felt like I was gonna cry so I rolled over. "Ok, if you need anything we'll all be in the living room, ok?" He said softly. I nodded my head.

"Soda?" I mumbled into my pillow. "Can you guys stay in here?" I looked up at him. "Okay we'll all be here in a second" he said kindly.

Ten minutes later they all piled in, carrying pillows and blankets. "Sleepover time ladies!!" Two bit yelled like a girl. I giggled. Dal came and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my forehead. "Night babygirl." He whispered. "Night dal." I mumbled.

"Night boys!" I yelled. "Night grace." They all said.

Everything is gonna be ok. No matter what.

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