Chapter 5

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Graces p.o.v.

It's been 1 week since I've seen bob. I thought he forgot about me. That's also considering the fact I saw him cherry valance sneaking out of his house when I went to go check on him. I knew his parents hated me so I was gonna sneak through the window but didn't after that.

Dallas and I made up and we were going to the drive in movies tonight.

Once we got seated and about halfway through the movie bob and randy came and sat behind us, drunk.

Bob saw me and immediately started flirting. This wasn't the same bob I knew. "Bob stop. You're drunk." I said getting annoyed. Dallas clenched my arm ready to kill bob. "Oohh coomme ooon baaabyyyyyyy it's too celebrate." He slurred. "I was just released out of my house today because of your phsyco brother." Dallas clenched his teeth. "Come on babe help me celebrate." He grinned pouring whiskey on my head. "Bob Sheldon!!" I yelled and before I could move another inch Dallas had him pinned.

"Dally let's go." I said. "But this basta-" I interrupted him "I know let's just go." Dallas got off and we left.

Ten minutes later we arrived at bucks. Dallas has gotten drunk so I left. I was halfway to the Curtis house when a blue mustang I knew all too well pulled up.

I heard a car door slam. "Bob, bobs socy gang go to he-" I got interrupted. "I told them to walk home." He said, suddenly he no longer seemed drunk. But why did he care? Why can't he just leave me alone?

"Well then please escort yourself to your vehicle." I smart off. I've changed my direction to the park. "Grace." He sighs. "Bob." I mimicked one a childish voice. "Come on grace don't be this way." He said. "I love you." He said as he continued to follow me.

I froze not turning around. I narrowed my eyes. "No you don't." I snapped. "Radio silence for a whole week bob. For all I knew you could've died from internal bleeding."

He chuckled. I whipped around and looked at him. "What's so funny?" I yelled at him. He busted out laughing. I rolled my eyes. "If I died it would be in the news paper." He finally stops laughing. "If you cared why didn't you visit me?" His eyes were full of hurt. "I did." I whispered. My voice growing louder as I spoke. "I went to go visit you when I saw cherry valance sneaking out of your house!" I was yelling by now. I was about to cry and I never cry in front of people. I hate pity and it ruins my tuff look.

"She wanted me back but I said I was taken." He said calmly. "But bob your not." I said. "Well then." He paused. And took off his class ring. "Grace will you be my girl?" I grinned. "Yes." I said as he put the ring on my finger. You know usually I don't ask but, can I kiss you?" He asked. I grinned and stood up on my tippy toes kissing him in response.

He grinned against my lips. All of a sudden he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. He held onto my butt to support my weight. He licked my bottom lip for entrance but instead, I teased him and denied. He pinched my butt but I knew what he doing and didn't react. He growled and I finally gave him access. We held that kissed like that for exactly 56 seconds. (Yes I counted.)

When he let finally let me down we were both breathless. "Bob I going to tell you something really embarrassing." I said as I hung my head. He lifted my chin to meet his eyes and caressed my cheek with his thumb. "Baby, no matter what you say I will still love you." He said softly. This guaranteed that this was the same bob I met that day in the bar. "I've never dated anybody before and that was my first kiss ." I mumbled. "Oh baby I don't care about that I'll love you no matter what." He pulled me to his chest and enveloped me into a hug. "Let's get you home." He mumbled into the crook of my neck. I sighed and nodded my head

That night bob drove me to the Curtis house hand in hand. He walked me to the door and kissed me goodnight. He was about to say something when Darry and soda came marching outside. "Hi Lainey, bob." Soda said eyeing bob suspiciously. Bob leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. For a split second my world was perfect I sighed in happiness. We exchanged our goodnights with soda and Darry standing there.

Then and there I thought everything would be ok. Boy was I wrong.

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