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Currently, Elliot was sitting in class pretending to listen to a teacher give their daily lecture.

Students all around him were frantically taking notes on whatever the teacher said was important to know for an upcoming test. But it was near impossible for him to pay any attention when all he had in mind was Storm. Right now he was wondering what kinds of things he could do to make their relationship less secretive and more open.

Having a boyfriend like Storm isn't something that he would've ever pictured to occur to him. He didn't even know that he could develop romantic feelings towards a guy until he felt urges to kiss and hold Storm. As odd as things may have turned out, Elliot has adapted well to changes like these.

Guess it's true that life works in the most unexpected of ways. And sometimes all you can really do is let it happen and go with it, rather than force yourself to control it from happening.

At least that's what Elliot keeps telling himself. He knows that he can become quite controlling, and he doesn't want Storm to feel trapped from his regular habits.

He simply cannot help it, though. His parents are the reason he feels the need to control everything that goes on in his life. If they weren't so narrow-minded, he wouldn't be the way he is now. "Alright, the bell is about to ring, so read chapters eight through ten, and make sure you know all the key concepts of those chapters. There will be a test on them next week" There was only one hour left to go, and it was a study hall.Afterward, he can finally meet up with Storm and talk to him.


As he stood by the benches, he had a random flashback. The last time he was here, he didn't even know who Elliot was and now they're boyfriends.

That thought made him smile as he breathed in slowly. Ever since their deal that they made a little over a week ago, Storm has completely stopped smoking, consuming drugs, and drinking excessively.

His body went through harsh withdrawals and still was going through them, but things have gotten better and the cravings have gone down dramatically. Elliot truly was a miracle worker, to say the least.

Not over five minutes have passed when the last bell rang and billions of students came flying out like wild herds.

The crowd of people was enormous and, to avoid any communication with them, Storm quickly whipped out his headphones and shoved them into his ears while he pulled his hood up in one swift motion.

He then turned on some music and texted Elliot to come to meet him by the far bench near all the trees. After that, he simply waited.

Thankfully, no one approached him or tried to talk to him while he waited for Elliot to come up and meet him. "Hey Ellie"

"Hey, what are you doing here? I was going to come to see you at the hotel" Storm smiled and extended his arms with his palms facing up; almost like he was asking for a dance.

"I wanna take you somewhere that you've never been before" His voice was low and raspy; just the way Elliot liked it. "How do you know that I've never been there?"

Storm smiled and laughed with his nose. "I just do. Now shut up and let me lead you there" Elliot shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully before reaching forwards to take Storm's hands in his.

This would actually be their first time holding hands out in public and neither of them minded at all.

It felt so exciting to express their feelings and make things more official and out into the open.

Once their hands made contact, Storm pulled Elliot as he guided him over to the place he wanted to go. He passed through many trees and many houses.

Clueless to where they were headed, Elliot started asking billions of questions. "When did you find this place? It's not an abandoned building, is it? Are we meeting someone here? Where are we anyway-?"

Storm turned around, forcing Elliot to stop walking. He cupped his face and drew his head in super close to where their noses were practically touching. "You talk way too much and ask way too many questions. Just trust me, baby, it's going to make you smile"

"Okay, well, just let me know when we're here then" Elliot was trying to ignore the butterflies and flushed cheeks he was sure were visible. "We ARE here."

Looking around, all he saw were a lot of trees and wildlife. When he looked right in front of him, there were tree branches that were collided together to form somewhat of a gate.

It was like a door that you see in fantasy movies where all the fairies live. He was then curious to know what was on the other side, so he gave Storm a look saying, 'may I please go inside'.

"Be my guest" Storm let go of Elliot's hand and reached over to untangle the branches to reveal what was on the other side.

As Elliot stepped in, he carefully examined every little detail that he could gather about the place. There were thousands of leaves, of many colors, scattered all around the ground.

In the middle of the 'room' was this small pond that sparkled from the reflection of the sun, which came through the tiny gaps left by the trees above.

To the right, he saw a white bench and next to it was a swing with a log acting as the seat. To the left was a small table and rocks shaped as stools alongside it.

It was a cave made of trees enclosing the total area. In it was basically a living room made of things of nature; it was beautiful.

"Whaddya think?"

"It. Is. Amazing" He walked around slowly, looking at all of the surrounding things. "I'm glad you like it"

Storm stood by the entrance as he stared at Elliot's cute reaction to all of this. "How did you find this place? Do you know who made it?"

"This was my parent's little hideout when they were dating. My dad showed it to me when I was a little kid.Ever since then, I keep managing it to make sure that it's clean and in good condition"

"I'm beyond impressed. This place is absolutely stunning," Elliot then caught attention to the very first thing that Storm mentioned. "Wait, you said this was your parent's hideout?"

Storm smiled like he knew Elliot would ask that question; he was expecting it. "Yes, my dad told me that mom's parents weren't very fond of him. Those were his exact words, by the way. And I guess he made this for him and my mom to get away and enjoy their life together. But hey look where that got em. They got married, had me and I'd like to think that they enjoyed every minute of it"

While he was talking, Elliot noticed how his eyes were distant. He wasn't looking at him or the surrounding things. It was like he was looking at his parents while he said this.

"Your dad must've loved your mom so much. This is honestly the epitome of unyielding love" "Yes....well, I figured since our situation is a lot like my parents; why not use it as they did. Y'know, like, keep a tradition going"

"You mean..."

"Yes, this could be like our little safe house from all the chaos coming from either end of our lives"

Elliot smiled, "and it will be just you and I in this sanctuary" 

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