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It was hard to decide whether it was the smell of aftershave, or the warmth of an extra body being so close to him, but Elliot felt his heavy eyes open as it adjusted to his surroundings. At first, he was hit with an unfamiliar setting, then not a moment later he realized that he stayed over at Angelo's hotel room since he was kicked out from his own home.

When he checked to see what time, it was, it surprised him to know that it was only half eight in the morning; this also explained why Angelo was still asleep. And since he had his arms coiled around Elliot, he really had no choice, but to relax his body into him as he waits for him to wake up.

Since he was waiting, Elliot's eyes wandered all over the small room. There were hoodies scattered on the ground and a pile of envelopes stacked carelessly on top of his desk a few feet away from the bed. It made him smile at how much this particular room resembled Angelo and all of his qualities.

While his eyes darted around furniture after furniture Angelo was starting to stir into reality. He used his right hand to rub his eyes and felt his arm rub against Elliot's cheeks. "Oh......hey. Don't take this the wrong way, but I completely forgot that you stayed the night. Did you sleep okay? Were you uncomfortable at all?" Angelo's voice sounded so raspy and deep which Elliot found himself loving more than he expected he would.

"I slept great and as far as I am concerned and I was too tired to feel uncomfortable with your body so close to me, which is weird for me to say since I don't like human contact very much" Angelo smiled lazily as he yawned for the thousandth time before he properly looked at Elliot.

When he did, he couldn't help but stare at his eyes. It seems like that is his favorite physical feature of Elliot's, but this time it was amplified. Without the black framed glasses in the way, his ocean blue eyes were a lot more captivating, and Angelo felt like he was getting lost in them. "Damn......I love your eyes"

Elliot turned red and scratched the back of his neck. "Ummm thank you"

That single compliment leads to an awkward silence. It was just odd for Elliot since he isn't used to having someone say things like that to him. Mainly because he is anti-social and avoids human contact as much as possible. And Angelo seemed to notice this when he saw Elliot reach for the bridge of his nose, but this time he didn't have glasses on so instead of the movement readjusting his glasses, it just looked like Elliot was trying to get something off of his nose. "Why do you do that with your fingers?"

"Do what?"

"You like touched your nose with your finger and swiped it right up like you do whenever you readjust your glasses, but this time you're not even wearing glasses......so why do you do it anyway?" Elliot stopped what he was doing and looked at his fingers. He didn't even notice that he did that even with his glasses on. "Oh, well it might be like a nervous habit of mine"

"Okay....and why were you so nervous?"

"I uh... get anxious quite easily and I think that I just do it when I don't feel comfortable, or confident in the situation that I am currently in, but I never really noticed that I did that until now"

"Well, the more you know, the better" Angelo actually liked knowing this about Elliot since now he knows whenever he is feeling a bit anxious or nervous and he can go right on ahead and help him out when needed. After this topic was over, Elliot veered their conversation towards a different topic.

"I guess....so I have this question that has been bugging me for a while now" After finding out about the whole gang affiliation that Angelo was involved in, he was just so curious to know more about him; and figure out all of the hidden things that have not been shared yet. "How exactly did you and Mike meet?"

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