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The day seemed to fly by after endless hours of random conversations. Before they even knew it, it was around half eleven in the evening. "Shit it's getting late. I better head back to the hotel before Mike thinks I got myself into some shady business" Angelo got up from the lounge area and stretched out his arms. If he was being honest, he didn't want to leave Elliot.

The past few days spent with him made him realize how much of a positive impact he is having on him, and it just felt nice to have someone to talk to about pointless topics. Elliot's eyes remained on Angelo as he bit his bottom lip like he was itching to say something. He too didn't want him to leave just yet.

Being alone was something he was used to, but now that he had someone in his life that he enjoys spending time with, he didn't want to see him leave. It was also because once Monday rolls around this "deal" that they made would be over.

So, they both wanted to spend the most of their time together as much as they could, even though neither of them was aware that they were feeling that way towards one another. "You can stay over for the night if you'd like" Elliot suddenly blurted out the things that he was mulling over for the past few seconds. It surprised him to say that, and he covered his mouth with his right hand immediately.

Angelo was taken aback as well, but he smiled feeling happy that Elliot was able to say something like that to him. After being told about the things that has happened to him, he was afraid that he might never feel comfortable enough to do certain things; so, this was definitely a pleasant surprise to say the least. "Really? Y'know, you don't have to, right?"

"Yes, I know, but you're welcome to......you can decline since I get it if you'd rather be in the comfort of your hotel room. And this was completely last minute so if there is someone that wouldn't be okay with you staying here then that's understandable too. Oh, and also-"

"ELLIOT SHUT UP FOR A SECOND!" Just now he realized that he was holding his cell phone by his ear as he tapped his foot impatiently. "Hey Mike......yeah I'm fine, I'm going to be staying over Elliot's house for the night and will be back tomorrow......I'm not lying to you, do you want to speak with him yourself?......Yeah, yeah I won't be an asshole.......okay thanks, bye" He tapped the screen of his phone to hang up and looked over at Elliot who had a small smile on his face.

"You talk way too much, but uhm thanks for inviting me. I just had to let Mike know since he's like a brother and sometimes father to me, so if I didn't let him know he would've conducted some sort of search party" Elliot nodded and tried to hide his excitement. He didn't want to freak him out by showing him how happy he truly felt. But deep down they both were quite satisfied about how things turned out.


After calling Mike he was led to one of the many guest rooms to sleep in. Martin kindly chose the one that was closest to Elliot's room so that Angelo wouldn't get lost in the morning trying to find out where he was in the mansion. It was the next day and oddly enough Angelo felt revived. For some reason the whole thought of drugs and other substances didn't even cross his mind. The need and desire for them were gone and he even forgot about the deal that he made with Elliot.

It only took a few minutes to get ready and meet up with him, but something seemed to be off. No one was around the house, and it seemed even quieter than it usually was. When they were at the dining room Angelo knew for sure that something was different. "Where are all of the maids and workers at today?" Elliot cocked his head to the side, but then realized that he must've not mentioned it to him about this.

"Oh, I guess I never told you. When my parents aren't home, I get to decide what they do and things like that" Angelo nodded and kept his eyes on him trying to understand what he was getting at. "And on the weekends, I let them have a day off since they work so hard, and I know how tiring it can be to work in this mansion. So late last night they all return to their respective homes, or they stay here and relax like Martin"

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