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"Coffee or tea?"


"And how do you take your coffee? Milk, cream, sugar...?"

"I like straight-up black coffee" Currently the boys were sat across from each other while Elliot bombarded Angelo with many questions. "I'm actually not surprised by that response" Angelo chuckled as he watched Elliot glance out the windows across from the bed. He noticed that he has looked outside a number of times while he was talking to him. "You've looked out the window for the sixth time today. Want to tell me why?"

"I was just wondering what my parents were up to today. It's probably obvious, but I've never openly disobeyed them before, and this would be the very first time that I left the house without their consent. Not that I'm worried though, it's not like my wellbeing is in their top priorities anyway" There was a lot of ambiguity underlying the words that were spoken. And that's how Elliot was; vague and not so clear-cut. It was almost like you had to put together a tedious puzzle in order to talk to him and Angelo was ready to give it his all to understand what Elliot was getting at.

"If you're so sure that you're not worried then why look out the window six times?" Elliot shifted uncomfortably on the edge of the bed; his gaze never leaving the unopened window. "I feel like I should be worried, but I know I'm not. Y'know the whole thing where a parent, perhaps a mother, calls her son with worry in her voice, telling them please be safe and come home. And every time, before hanging up the phone, they end their conversations with the mother saying I love you and the son replying with I love you too, it's just so normal, yet so far away from my family dynamics that it's almost frustrating" Angelo stared at Elliot. Not because he didn't know what to say, but because he didn't understand. In his mind, Elliot is so perfect. He has exponential manners, beautiful features, and a warm heart that any parent would die for their kids to inherit. So why he thought, would any parent allow a childlike Elliot to feel this way? "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes"


"Cuz then maybe you'll see a fraction of how goddamn perfect you're to me" That was enough for Elliot to turn his attention towards Angelo. "You say things and put words together so perfectly that you could save people from breaking. And I think it's dumb of you to want a mom to say I love you or a dad to watch sports with, know why? Cuz that's normal and you're anything but that, you get me?"

"Why are you so good to me? We have barely known each other and still, you treat me like we've been in love or something for years"

"Maybe because I want to be the only person to make you feel that way. I said this before, and I'll say it a million times if it means it'll get through your head. I like you, a lot and even though I'll wait until you're ready... I'm always ready, you get me?"

For a moment everything was quiet. No words, body language, or sound insight. But this silence was loud and stretched throughout every inch of their bodies. They understood each other's lives and backgrounds as they stared into each other's eyes. And after a while, they smiled, nodded, and resumed what they were doing before.

"So how do you take your coffee?"

"I actually prefer tea"

"Makes sense"


Back at the Davis' household, the atmosphere was tense. Every worker in the house was worried that Elliot may never come back. Sure, it hasn't even been a whole 24 hours, but the room was never at ease with the absence of his presence.

Martin was the most broken at this stage. He has always looked after Elliot, and he was more of a father to him than his actual father was. And even after Angelo told him that it wasn't his fault, he still felt like he should be held responsible for Elliot's leave. "Martin, have you gotten any news?" He snapped back to reality when he heard Amelia's (Elliot's Mother) voice. "No ma'am, I am terribly sorry, but I have not gotten anything from our Elliot yet. I do however believe that he is in good hands"

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