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Even with his eyes open, everything was consumed in darkness. Something was on top of him, and it felt very warm, cozy even.

Confused at the surroundings around him he started to move around to figure out what was happening. When he did this, he heard a low groan come from above him.

Knowing that that noise came from Angelo; Elliot wiggled his way through the covers and somehow managed to break free of his tight grasp. "No don't go" Angelo croaked with his morning voice.

Throughout the night Angelo cuddled Elliot and held onto him as he coiled their bodies close together. This explains why Elliot couldn't see anything when he first woke up.

"Good morning Angelo" Elliot whispered as he attempted to get out from under the thick covers. But Angelo wasn't letting him go that easily. He was not at all a morning person and craved the comfort from Elliot's swarm body.

"Morning Ellie....hey why are you trying to escape?" When Elliot was about to get up, Angelo grabbed his waist and pulled him down on top of him. "Angelo, its morning and I want to take a shower!"

"Noo, you're warm and I want you here still"

"But I have to shower it's a morning routine, a ritual if you will" "Can't you just wait for like twenty more minutes?" Elliot turned his head to look at Angelo. There laid a teenage boy who was known for his bad reputation, all snuggled up in billions of heavy blankets.

From this particular angle, Angelo appeared completely harmless. It amazed Elliot to know how different someone can be once you get to see their true side.

Angelo wasn't this bad, rebellious teen who disobeyed every rule and threw a party every chance he got. He was simply a boy who is tired and wants to sleep in a few extra minutes.

No different than anyone else in the world. It just hurt that his father and mother didn't see him the way he did.

Somehow along the way, he got lost in his thoughts and subconsciously leaned over to plant a long kiss onto Angelo's forehead. Once he pulled back, he cupped his chin and smiled. "I'll be out in a few minutes you can lay here until then"

With that Angelo nodded hesitantly as he sunk deeper in the huge bed. He loved the ample space he had to just roll around and get comfortable, since his bed back at the hotel was fit for barely one person only.


After about fifteen minutes Elliot was done washing his hair and body. He stood in the bathroom for an extra five minutes to dry his hair and attempt to style it.

When his hair didn't do what he wanted it to, he threw on a beanie and quickly changed into some comfortable clothing before stepping out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Angelo yawning and stretching in an attempt to pry himself awake.

"Hey, not a morning person huh?"

"Not until I have my coffee" Angelo grinned when he saw Elliot. He just couldn't get over his beautiful eyes along with the rest of his perfect features. "I'll go get you some. My parents might be here, and they'll be furious to know that I had a guest without their consent"

"Right....but wouldn't they be more suspicious seeing you grab some coffee knowing that you're a tea person?"

"Well, I don't even think they know what beverage I prefer, unlike you"

"You're getting better at flirting" It was true that Angelo was the one who initiated the intimacy so for him it felt nice seeing some of it come from Elliot; it felt more mutual that way.

"I am not flirting......am I?"

"You're cute, now go get me some coffee" Elliot rolled his eyes before heading downstairs.


As soon as Elliot walked downstairs the kitchen staff greeted him with happy smiles. He returned the kind gesture and asked for some black coffee with no cream or sugar added into the mix.

To which the staff responded in confusion. They knew that Elliot wasn't much of a fan of coffee so they weren't really sure why he would be requesting it.

Nonetheless, they made it for him just as he asked and brought it over to him in less than a few minutes. Elliot then thanked them kindly and handed it to Angelo once he arrived at his room.

"Thank you, this looks amazing" "You're welcome, but uhh I gotta go to school in about ten minutes and well I haven't seen my parents around yet, but they might be in their study or something so if you're leaving be very careful and if you get caught for some reason, tell them that I insisted that you stayed and-"

"Ellie, don't worry I'll walk you to school and go back to my hotel right after. They won't suspect a thing or yell at you for letting your boyfriend stay the night without their permission"

Guilt crept its way through Elliot's body. He didn't like having to hide Angelo from his parents as if he was embarrassed by him. They didn't say that they weren't allowed to be together, and his father did agree to their relationship if Angelo proved himself.

But Elliot's mind was filled with doubts about his parents agreeing to have Angelo in his life. It hurt him to know that they had to hide feelings of affection all because of their shallow minds.

It's bad enough that the LGBT community isn't widely common in their city, but having his parents tell him that Angelo isn't good for him frustrated him more than anything. They truly knew nothing about him, so why judge or assume who he is just by what the society says he is.

It simply made no sense to Elliot. People are too full of what the media is saying that they lose touch of what being genuine is all about. And since Elliot had strong opinions regarding this, all he could do was apologize for the wrongs made in this situation.

"I'm so sorry. I don't want you to have to hide anything and I'm not ashamed to be with you at all. I just hate that my parents are the way they are. They can't look from a different angle since their too stubborn to do that. I am so sorry; I really don't want you to go through any of this mess"

Angelo could really tell that this whole situation was tough on both of them, but he didn't blame it on Elliot, or his parents. He was determined to prove to them that he is worth Elliot's time. It may take longer, but he didn't care about it being tedious. "Don't worry about a thing Ellie.

This may be shitty for a while, but I will prove to your parents that I am more than what they think I am. And even if it doesn't work out the way we want it, don't forget that you're mine and only mine. I don't like sharing, especially not someone like you, you get me?"

Elliot was happy to be getting some reassurance from Angelo. He's right, after all, their unique bond isn't going to be easily broken.

"I got you"

"Good....now let's go to hell-I mean school" 

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